January 2010
Dra upp till tom idag i falköping och börja spela in på vårat sidoproject ;D Det ska bli kulkul :D Hoppas alla har haft ett bra nytt år enså länge :) *Dumma tamara som inte kunde följa med o
HAHAHAHAHA KOLLA XD NATTHUMOR :D http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?ref=name&id=749767981#/video/video.php?v=239148762981
"Here's my only dream - While I breathe dopamine My creature's cunning It walks the road between sense and amphetamine Clearly and ominous presence - Seraphs belong only to the ones who wait I can fee
"I close my eyes only for a moment and the moment's gone all my dreams pass before my eyes a curiosity dust in the wind all we are is dust in the wind"