Sunday 8 December 2013 photo 1/1
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Jag tittade på TED Talks, en youtubekanal med kreativa tal, och började tänka att vad skulle jag vilja säga, ifall jag fick chansen att prata för tusentals människor? Is there anything I would like to get across? Ja.
Så jag skrev ned det jag, av alla saker jag skulle vilja säga, tycker absolut viktigast och försökte hålla det så sammanhängande som möjligt.
TED Talks är på engelska, så jag skrev på engelska då det var språket jag vid det tillfället använde mest i mitt sinne.
Jag tänkte att varför inte lägga upp det här? Det kanske hjälper någon. ;v;
Imagine yourself having a glassbottle of ink. You pick it up and throw it at a wall. Naturally, in the middle where the flask broke the ink will be more of a thicker clump, while the longer out on the explosion you get, the thinner and more advanced the patterns of ink will be.
The thinnest, most complicated pattern of ink is not the ink any less than the thick clump. Or any other pattern of ink for that matter.
What would you say to the small pattern of ink if it told you that it was this alone, desolate being out on the fringe of a cold wall? You would say "There, there, neuroticink, you are not solitary and cut of, experiencing life totally isolated. Can't you see that all this ink is you?"
And,in the exact same way, you are the whole universe. What you do is what the whole universe is doing in the same way that a wave is something the whole ocean is doing.
In this moment, you are it ---- the universe; existance; everything; the now. And the now is all there is. All there ever was and all there ever will be.
I often hear people claiming that the present comes from the past, but that is about as delusional as it gets. You see, even a thousand years ago was experienced in the now, and it is still the now. The past isn't something which drives the ship of the present forward; the past is the waves created in the wake behind. You see, as the ship sails, it creates waves behind it; those waves aren't pushing the ship forward. And in the exact same way, the now exists in the now, not due to the wake it leaves behind.
But it is not sailing towards a future, becouse the future doesn't exist. Never has. The future is a concept. Now was tomorrows future, but now is the moment. You can think about the future all you like, but the only thing that will do for you is to steal away your life.
Why? Glad you asked. ~.^
By not being in the moment, the way children and animals, which in essence are the same things, tend to be, you miss everything around you. The depth of colours, the caress of the wind, the softness of rain, the smell of moss, the song of birds; all will torpid and numb down becouse your mind is in a possible future that in all likeliness never will happen. All the things you plan out in your head; all the conversations you have, all the things you're gonna say; they never turn out to unfold the way you though they would, do they? All this time, dangerously lost to thoughts, planning something that unfolded in the moment, all by itself, in its own way, you lost a part of your life.
To be lost in thoughts can be terribly dangerous becouse your thoughts are not yours. Almost all thoughts comes from something exterior; mostly other people.
You have been told to identify yourself with things that are not you your entire life. Your clothes are not you. Your possessions are not you, yet most people identifies themselves with them. It horrifies me that a person who has an old family heirloom will be heartbroken if someone would come and destroy it.
You are not a dead object, nor will such an attachment to anything but imprison you.
Thoughts are tremendously dangerous to belost to becouse of something I call "the ego." You see, thoughts have a very dangerous way of creating an ego, making you think that there is a thinker that are thinking thoughts. In truth, the thinker, the one most people identify themselves as, is as much of a thought as all the other thoughts. The feeler that is feeling feelings is as much of a feeling as the rest of the feelings.
That thinker, that feeler, does not exists. It is but a fragment of yourself, created in a dimension of past and future; a dimension that in truth doesn't exists.
Instead of seeing thoughts for what they are ---- nothing but a disattached wind blowing past ---- one very much identify with these thoughts. You tell yourself who you are, what your opinions are and how you act. "I am Tim Anderson; I am Serina Windwhisper", but that's not who you are. That's who other people told you you are. That's how other people told you to think. That's how other people told you to act. Deep, deep down, you know that is not you. As a young child ---- as an animal ---- you knew that wasn't you.
Deep down, you aren't this isolated, thin pattern of ink that is experiencing everything out of a desolate bubble, always, in essence, alone:
You are the ink. You are it. The whole universe ---- existence; everything; the now ---- would not exist without you.