Friday 21 December 2007 photo 7/15
From the movie "Violent Mechanical Psycopath". Project Leader: - Gustav Herrmanson - Actors: - Gustav Herrmanson - Modelling: - Gabriel Pettersson - - Marcus Olofsson - - Samuel Westman - - Gustav Herrmanson - Shaders: - Sean Kalamgi - - Samuel Westman - - Marcus Olofsson - Main textures, bump-maps, normal-maps, and dirt-maps: - Sean Kalamgi - Animation and rigging: - Gabriel Pettersson - - Samuel Westman - Special Effects and Dynamics: - Gustav Herrmanson - Color Correction: - Marcus Olofsson - "Still image"-based content: - Sean Kalamgi - Sound effects: - - Music, main title "Violent Mechanical Psycopath": - Unkown - (sorry for that) Ambients: - - Audiobased mixing and Movie<-->Audio Synchronisation: - Gabriel Pettersson - Postprocessing and editing: - Sean Kalamgi - Additionall help with "everything": - Gabriel Pettersson - - Sean Kalamgi - - Gustav Herrmanson - - Samuel Westman - - Marcus Olofsson - Applications Used: - Autodesk Maya Unlimited 8.5 - - Luxology Modo - - Mental Ray (used for rendering with Maya) - - Eyon Fusion - - Adobe After Effects 7.0 - - Adobe Photoshop CS2 - - Adobe Audition 2.0 - - Adobe Premiere Pro 2.0 - Special thanks to: - HIG - - CCG - Thats about it, cheers everyone! /Gabriel Pettersson