5 May 2008
jag HATAR att vara sjuk!!! lärarna får damp på mej! :/ :/ :/ :/min hals e typ dööd och vi har ju konsert på onsdag :/ ja kommer knappt kunna sjunga nått då
medelande från mikey way:Hey Guys and Gals,We have all been anxiously waiting for June 24th. On this day, the DVD/CD entitled "The Black Parade is Dead" hits stores, online outlets, and other av
But does anyone notice?But does anyone care?And if I had the guts to put this to your head..But would anything matter if you're already dead?And should I be shocked now by the last thing you said?Befo
FOR ANYONE.. .For anyone who stuck by My Chemical Romance even when they were called emo for it.For anyone who loves Gerard no matter what colour his hair was.For anyone who loves that Pansy Frank and
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