Sunday 21 August 2011 photo 6/24
when she:...
pushes you away or hit you - grab her and dont let go!
starts cursing at you - kiss her and tell her you love her!
is quiet - ask her whats wrong!
ignores you - give her your attention!
pulls away from you - pull her back!
looks her worst - tell her shes beautiful
starts crying - hold her tight and say nothing!
is leaving - sneak up from behind and hug her!
is scared - protect her!
leans her head to your shoulder - raise her head and kiss her!
takes your favorite clothing - let her have it and sleep with it a night!
teases you - tease her back and make her laugh!
doesnt keep in touch for a while - make sure everything is okey!
doubts you - defend yourself with the truth!
says she likes you - she likes you more then you could understand!
holds your hand - hold hers to and play with her fingers!
bumps into you - bump into her to and make her laugh!
tells you a secret - keep it!
looks you in your eyes - look back and dont look away until she does!
misses you - shes hurt on the inside!
says its over - she still wants you to be hers!
when you break her heart- the pain never goes away!
Camera info
Camera Canon EOS 500D
Focal length 40 mm
Aperture f/9.0
Shutter 1/130 s
ISO 100