Tuesday 7 April 2009 photo 1/1
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Efter att ha slösurfat lite nu på morgonen så hittade jag en lite skojsig grej. http://omegle.com/ heter hemsidan. Där blir du tilldelad en random person att chatta med å allting spårar direkt :P Här har ni ett provsmak på hur min första konveration såg ut :P
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You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi
Stranger: I just stuck a pencil into my dick to keep it hard and I lost it inside. Should I get a doctor?
You: hell no keep it there
Stranger: It hurts. =[
You: yeah but it worth it. Girls will love it :)
Stranger: Can I get lead poisoning??
You: yeah probably
Stranger: The tip is turning purple.
Stranger: And blood is starting to pour into my jeans
You: that's just nice. It will look great together with a red shirt
Stranger: The tip might be poking through the base of my penis. =[
Stranger: It really hurts!
You: Go to a fucking doctor then
Stranger: What if my wife finds out?
You: Go to the doctor down town in the little basement
You: No one will know you were there
Stranger: I need to take this marker out of my bum.
You: Oh that will hurt :/
Stranger: I got the pencil out!
You: Nice. Feels great huh?
Stranger: I'm bleeding a lot
You: Just putt some sugar on it and it will stop
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
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