Saturday 5 September 2009 photo 1/1
Went out and had lunch with Mabel at Jensens, and then we went to Bergakungen to watch District 9... however I failed and took us to the wrong cinema, so we ended up watching Gamer instead. The movie wasn't that good.. way too much pointless action & blood, bad scenario and mediocre acting in general. The only good things in the movie were Michael Hall and all the random boobage. :P
Anyway I had a pretty good time. I took Mabel home afterwards, we talked a bit about some stuff and then she had to go to work so I ended up going to Eelis' place with Wincent, where we had dinner and watched another film. ^^
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And please, do act better yourself. :)
I said the acting was mediocre, and I can't name any particular scene, watched the movie a few months ago and I don't remember such details.<br />
Heh, I'm not an actor, and sorry if a hit a nerve or something with that comment. I just wrote my opinion of the movie. :o
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