Friday 23 January 2009 photo 1/2
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The Legend of Sir Penningsworth! (Part 1)
"What are ye doing, lad?!"
Little Worth had lost his footing and slided down to the mountain path for several feet to be rescued from his way down by one of the older.
"Traveling mountains is a dagnerous buisness, little one, watch your footing!"
Worth quickly ran back to his position in the long line of warriors and started to walk in the same pace as the others, the slow marching pace that was the only on available when climbing a mountain path this steep. The journey was a quite one except for the small curses and outbreaks when others lost their footing or tripped headfall. It was mostly ignored, everyone had done it atleast once during the journey and there were more to come. Up the mountain they went and as they marched they started to notice steam gushing out from small fissures and they heard the sound from boiling water now and then. As soon as they found a plateau big enough they set up camp for the night wich was to come. Scouts were sent out in all directions from the camp to establish a sense of location in the sloping landscape while the others looked for firewood. Soon fires were lit all over the camp and food was being cooked spreading a lovely smell amongst the tired warriors. At twilight they ate in silence, fearing what might lurk in the dark. The elders told tales of old days and magic creatures. Worth sat amongst those around one campfire and listened carefully.
"Worth my boy, do you know how to kill a dragon?"
"No, bard, I dont" Was the answer. Truth to be told, the tales he had heard in his village didnt shed any light on how to kill dragons, nor how they came to be.
"It's best you listen then, Worth... Everyone here needs to know so sharpen your ears" The bard said and looked around the campfire, eyeing all the listeners making certain they knew the grave importance of what he was to say.
He then began to speak to all of them, with a voice sounding like scraping uprolled parchment he told a legend of old about the first to slay a dragon.
"His name was Gardon. He served in the King's Guard with the sworn duty to protect the king himself from any dangers. For generations king's men had fought against uncoming evil..."
A hiss of awe spread amongst the listeners. The ancient histories of the kings of old was shauned upon, some would even call it treason to tell one. The hiss of the crowd stopped when the bard kept on his story.
"This evil was foul into it's very soul and only wanted destruction. It lurked deep underground in the cold, dark soil and commanded many creatures of the Fauna against the growing humans. Amongst these creatures were the dragons. Bewinged, armored and breathing fire these were not an easy foe, in fact at that time they were seen as immortal and they almost do so today also but that is not the case. The evil crept forward against the cities of men during the years driving the human race back until there were only a few cities left. One morning Gardon was on patrol in the capitol city alongside a number of guards. When they got up on the walls they saw a galopping horse riding towards the gate in full force. Not long after the rider dismounted inside the gate and rushed towards the castle. Stopping the man Gardon answered what in the name of the gods were going on.
"Evil has come! The outer cities are being sieged! We need aid!" and with that cry he ran as fast as he can up the cobblestone street for all what he could. Gardon quickly realized that this absolutely wasnt a good thing and wanting to do something he ran for the stables to find his horse. A few moments later he almost bursted through the gates on his horse with destination of Avmorda, wich he expected to be attacked first.
Avmorda was not the closest of the outer city thus making it a long trip. For 4 days he rode along the main road, sleeping at night, riding at sunrise. At midday on the fifth day he could see the murky walls of Awdon. The sky had a red color, an army of goblins lured in the forest and a bewinged creature circled around the city. It did'nt look good but in spite of that Gardon gave his horse a firm kick in the sides and rode to the besieged city.
As he got close to the gate the dragon flew over him letting out a maraudering screech almost paralyzing the surroundings with fear. Gardon got thrown off his horse landing in the grass on the side of the road holding his hans over his ears. He hadnt heard souch a terrible sound in his whole life, he felt like if he was going deaf. When he got up on his feet the horse was nowhere in sight. He made his way to the gate and got into the city only to be met by a angry guard. After a few minutes arguement Gardon stationed himself on the walls. The city was in a state of panic. Peasents were chaoticly running everywhere, soldiers were building barricades and archers patrolled the walls with a haste. The dragon was gone for now but noone thought it was for good. Gardon took his place at a small fire with another guard. Together they scouted the plains before the city. Common sense told that a vast army of goblins lurked within the forest. Noices had been heard, lanterns, torches and fires had been sighted aswell as one or two small creatures from afar, but the men on the walls had little fear in their eyes, they had fended off goblins for their entire lives and knew that fear cripples you.
It all started with a small torch. A torch became many and soon a golden sea of fire came before them. Atlast a thunderous roar made it clear that the dragon was coming, the army of evil was coming. Immideatley a bell rang behind him and soldiers rushed out from their garrisons. They had prepared for the attack for a week and wouldnt give up the city that easily.
One volley, two volleys, the archers brought the first waves to their knees but couldnt hold back the sea. Arrows were shot back, ladders were pushed against the walls and a giant ball of fire blasted away a half batallion of soldiers. Many a goblin fell for Gardon's sword as they came up the ladders but the tide was endless. He rushed for the gates when he heard heavy punding from behind, they were almost through. As the punding continued the defenders rallied on the square behind the barricades waiting for that wich was to come. Archers had an arrow already on the string, soldiers planted huge towershields in the ground and several held their backs against the gate trying to hold the poundings. The sound of wingthrusts closed in and landed in the middle of the square throwing a bundle of defenders away with it's massive claws. The gate burst open and chaos broke out on the square, soldiers ran away in terror while the dragon slaughtered all that was left alive. Gardon and the few of the defenders left alive were quickly surrounded by goblins leaving them no other option than to try and fight their way back to the walls. With a jump wich reached further than any jump made by man the dragon landed in the middle of the survivors and slashed half of them right open with a single claw. Gardon half paniced and threw himself towards the monster just as it lifted its claw to strike once more. It resulted in Gardon landing directly under the beast on his back. A quick glance told him that the scale was much more softer beneath the beast than on the rest of it. Acting on instinct he striked at the first weak spot he saw driving the sword up to its hilt into the beast. The pain of the beast echoed through the city and as Gardon desperately crawled out from under the beast it fell and died instantly letting out a big smokescreen of steam from its gap. Dark blood formed a big puddle around the beast and on that dark blood stood Gardon both amazed and suprised of his actions. The goblins fled and the soldiers cleared the city. Smoke steamed from the beast for five days, these days the skeleton is kept as a monument of the heroic deed of Bardon, the first dragon slayer."
"So... we are to aim for the soft scales of a dragon?" a man asked.
"Yes. Yes, thats quite right, the pale scales beneath the monster is definetely the weakest spot. But now my friends it's time to sleep. The march up the mountain continues tomorrow." With those words said he stood up and walked away from the campfire giving Worth a small nod and a wink with his eye.
Part 2 soon in stores near you!
Little Worth had lost his footing and slided down to the mountain path for several feet to be rescued from his way down by one of the older.
"Traveling mountains is a dagnerous buisness, little one, watch your footing!"
Worth quickly ran back to his position in the long line of warriors and started to walk in the same pace as the others, the slow marching pace that was the only on available when climbing a mountain path this steep. The journey was a quite one except for the small curses and outbreaks when others lost their footing or tripped headfall. It was mostly ignored, everyone had done it atleast once during the journey and there were more to come. Up the mountain they went and as they marched they started to notice steam gushing out from small fissures and they heard the sound from boiling water now and then. As soon as they found a plateau big enough they set up camp for the night wich was to come. Scouts were sent out in all directions from the camp to establish a sense of location in the sloping landscape while the others looked for firewood. Soon fires were lit all over the camp and food was being cooked spreading a lovely smell amongst the tired warriors. At twilight they ate in silence, fearing what might lurk in the dark. The elders told tales of old days and magic creatures. Worth sat amongst those around one campfire and listened carefully.
"Worth my boy, do you know how to kill a dragon?"
"No, bard, I dont" Was the answer. Truth to be told, the tales he had heard in his village didnt shed any light on how to kill dragons, nor how they came to be.
"It's best you listen then, Worth... Everyone here needs to know so sharpen your ears" The bard said and looked around the campfire, eyeing all the listeners making certain they knew the grave importance of what he was to say.
He then began to speak to all of them, with a voice sounding like scraping uprolled parchment he told a legend of old about the first to slay a dragon.
"His name was Gardon. He served in the King's Guard with the sworn duty to protect the king himself from any dangers. For generations king's men had fought against uncoming evil..."
A hiss of awe spread amongst the listeners. The ancient histories of the kings of old was shauned upon, some would even call it treason to tell one. The hiss of the crowd stopped when the bard kept on his story.
"This evil was foul into it's very soul and only wanted destruction. It lurked deep underground in the cold, dark soil and commanded many creatures of the Fauna against the growing humans. Amongst these creatures were the dragons. Bewinged, armored and breathing fire these were not an easy foe, in fact at that time they were seen as immortal and they almost do so today also but that is not the case. The evil crept forward against the cities of men during the years driving the human race back until there were only a few cities left. One morning Gardon was on patrol in the capitol city alongside a number of guards. When they got up on the walls they saw a galopping horse riding towards the gate in full force. Not long after the rider dismounted inside the gate and rushed towards the castle. Stopping the man Gardon answered what in the name of the gods were going on.
"Evil has come! The outer cities are being sieged! We need aid!" and with that cry he ran as fast as he can up the cobblestone street for all what he could. Gardon quickly realized that this absolutely wasnt a good thing and wanting to do something he ran for the stables to find his horse. A few moments later he almost bursted through the gates on his horse with destination of Avmorda, wich he expected to be attacked first.
Avmorda was not the closest of the outer city thus making it a long trip. For 4 days he rode along the main road, sleeping at night, riding at sunrise. At midday on the fifth day he could see the murky walls of Awdon. The sky had a red color, an army of goblins lured in the forest and a bewinged creature circled around the city. It did'nt look good but in spite of that Gardon gave his horse a firm kick in the sides and rode to the besieged city.
As he got close to the gate the dragon flew over him letting out a maraudering screech almost paralyzing the surroundings with fear. Gardon got thrown off his horse landing in the grass on the side of the road holding his hans over his ears. He hadnt heard souch a terrible sound in his whole life, he felt like if he was going deaf. When he got up on his feet the horse was nowhere in sight. He made his way to the gate and got into the city only to be met by a angry guard. After a few minutes arguement Gardon stationed himself on the walls. The city was in a state of panic. Peasents were chaoticly running everywhere, soldiers were building barricades and archers patrolled the walls with a haste. The dragon was gone for now but noone thought it was for good. Gardon took his place at a small fire with another guard. Together they scouted the plains before the city. Common sense told that a vast army of goblins lurked within the forest. Noices had been heard, lanterns, torches and fires had been sighted aswell as one or two small creatures from afar, but the men on the walls had little fear in their eyes, they had fended off goblins for their entire lives and knew that fear cripples you.
It all started with a small torch. A torch became many and soon a golden sea of fire came before them. Atlast a thunderous roar made it clear that the dragon was coming, the army of evil was coming. Immideatley a bell rang behind him and soldiers rushed out from their garrisons. They had prepared for the attack for a week and wouldnt give up the city that easily.
One volley, two volleys, the archers brought the first waves to their knees but couldnt hold back the sea. Arrows were shot back, ladders were pushed against the walls and a giant ball of fire blasted away a half batallion of soldiers. Many a goblin fell for Gardon's sword as they came up the ladders but the tide was endless. He rushed for the gates when he heard heavy punding from behind, they were almost through. As the punding continued the defenders rallied on the square behind the barricades waiting for that wich was to come. Archers had an arrow already on the string, soldiers planted huge towershields in the ground and several held their backs against the gate trying to hold the poundings. The sound of wingthrusts closed in and landed in the middle of the square throwing a bundle of defenders away with it's massive claws. The gate burst open and chaos broke out on the square, soldiers ran away in terror while the dragon slaughtered all that was left alive. Gardon and the few of the defenders left alive were quickly surrounded by goblins leaving them no other option than to try and fight their way back to the walls. With a jump wich reached further than any jump made by man the dragon landed in the middle of the survivors and slashed half of them right open with a single claw. Gardon half paniced and threw himself towards the monster just as it lifted its claw to strike once more. It resulted in Gardon landing directly under the beast on his back. A quick glance told him that the scale was much more softer beneath the beast than on the rest of it. Acting on instinct he striked at the first weak spot he saw driving the sword up to its hilt into the beast. The pain of the beast echoed through the city and as Gardon desperately crawled out from under the beast it fell and died instantly letting out a big smokescreen of steam from its gap. Dark blood formed a big puddle around the beast and on that dark blood stood Gardon both amazed and suprised of his actions. The goblins fled and the soldiers cleared the city. Smoke steamed from the beast for five days, these days the skeleton is kept as a monument of the heroic deed of Bardon, the first dragon slayer."
"So... we are to aim for the soft scales of a dragon?" a man asked.
"Yes. Yes, thats quite right, the pale scales beneath the monster is definetely the weakest spot. But now my friends it's time to sleep. The march up the mountain continues tomorrow." With those words said he stood up and walked away from the campfire giving Worth a small nod and a wink with his eye.
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Gardon half paniced and threw himself towards the monster just as it lifted its claw to strike once more.
jag stör mig på dessa bitar för att den första fattar jag inte vad du menar på och den andra har dålig logik:P lyfter han en klo för att slå till igen?:) menar du inte paw eller nått?:P










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