Sunday 24 May 2009 photo 1/1
Sitter i denna stund och skriver om den här godingen. Ett försenat Engelskaarbete som ska lämnas in imorgon. Jag måste verkligen säga att jag älskar att arbeta som en amfetaminknarkande ekorre i ett hjul på sista dagen innan inlämning. Jag brukar sitta hela natten om det behövs, sålänge jag får det klart, och bra också (ibland :D).
Om ni inte vet vem mannen är så borde ni skämmas. Conn Iggulden är en extremt bra författare. Serien Kejsaren är en extremt bra bokserie. Påminn mig om att köpa den sista boken >< lol
Härmed tvingar jag på er ett smakprov, bara för att jag älskar er :):
The Field of Swords follows the defeat of the Spartacus rebellion, Julius Caesar and Marcus Brutus, who have been sent to run the Roman colonies in Spain, return to challenge powerful senators to become one of the Consuls of Rome. Political opposition, family quarrels, armed rebellions and corruption make this a highly contemporary scene, fuelled by the intrigue of the major characters, who are now developing as full adults. As he takes the legions north into mighty battles with the Gallic tribes, the imperious stand of Caesar and the leadership of his men, his new friendships with fellow leaders and his overwhelming ambition, begin to separate him from Brutus, the great swordsman and warrior. Their long friendship reveals ominous cracks under the strain. Although the Gallic conquests lead to Caesar’s triumphal entry into Britain, the victories on the battlefield cause political rivalries at home, and ultimately the famous choice is presented to Caesar and Marcus Brutus. They must choose whether to cross the Rubicon - together or singly - and to take the fight to Rome itself.
Är inte Jonas duktig?
Grattis till ledigheten imorgon, Edward, ditt ass :)
The Field of Swords follows the defeat of the Spartacus rebellion, Julius Caesar and Marcus Brutus, who have been sent to run the Roman colonies in Spain, return to challenge powerful senators to become one of the Consuls of Rome. Political opposition, family quarrels, armed rebellions and corruption make this a highly contemporary scene, fuelled by the intrigue of the major characters, who are now developing as full adults. As he takes the legions north into mighty battles with the Gallic tribes, the imperious stand of Caesar and the leadership of his men, his new friendships with fellow leaders and his overwhelming ambition, begin to separate him from Brutus, the great swordsman and warrior. Their long friendship reveals ominous cracks under the strain. Although the Gallic conquests lead to Caesar’s triumphal entry into Britain, the victories on the battlefield cause political rivalries at home, and ultimately the famous choice is presented to Caesar and Marcus Brutus. They must choose whether to cross the Rubicon - together or singly - and to take the fight to Rome itself.
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jag märkte precis att du skrev "goding" om han på bild.. lutar du dig lite mot homosexuell?
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