Wednesday 19 December 2012 photo 2/9
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Här är ginnys, som sagt ganska långt, men värt det! :D
Some days I hate you. I hate you for leaving us like that. I hate you for leaving me, for breaking your promises. You said you’d always be there for me. You were supposed to be there to make me laugh when all I wanted to do was cry. You were supposed to be there. You lied. And what about George? Most days, he doesn’t even get out of bed. He doesn’t eat anymore. He cut off all of his hair. He wants to look nothing like you. It’s breaking our hearts. You broke our hearts- some days, I really hate you.
Some days, I hate George. I hate that he just stays in bed. We have to run the joke shop for him most days. He never smiles anymore. If he could smile, things might be okay. If George stayed George, maybe things would be okay. But you didn’t just leave us, you took George with you. At least, the parts that matter. If George could be himself again, maybe the sun would shine in this gamily onve more. Some days, I really hate George.
Some days, I hate Percy. Maybe, if he hadn’t distacted you with his joke, you would have been alert. Maybe you would have been prepared for the explosion. Some days, I wish he hadn’t come back when he did. Some days, I blame him almost as much as Rookwood for your death. Some days, I really hate Percy.
Everyday, I curse the name of Augustus Rookwood. How dare he? How dare he take you from us? Who is he to do such a thing? He is a scum of the Earth. Death is too good for him. Even the Dementor’s Kiss. He deserves so much mote than that. So much pain, I don’t have the words to express the amount. How dare he? How dare he? He took the light out of our lives. How dare he? Every day, I curse the name of Augustus Rookwood.
I know I shouldn’t hate you, or George, or Percy. Most days I don’t. But some days I can’t help it. Everyone saus it will get better. That’s a lie. It never will. I will always hurt, and it will always hurt this much. But I will get better hiding the pain. I will be able to smile again, and George will get out of bed, and life will go on. We’ll all wind a reason to live again, to be happy. Because that’s what you would want. You would yell at us for our behavior. You would be so angry with George for not going to the shop. But you have to let us mourn, Freddie. You are worth the mourning.
Freddie, I am trying, I’m trying to move on. You always said I was remarkable, that I could do anything I wanted. Well, I’m doing it. I made It on to the Harpies, the best team in the league! (Don’t you dare say otherwise) I’m officially a Harpie! You always believed in me, you always told me not to listen to mum. Well, I did it for myself. But I partly did it for you.
You would be so disappointed on me if I didn’t try, and didn’t try my best. Thank you for making me follow my dreams, always saying you broke your bromise was harsh. Even if you aren’t here in person. I know that you will always be here for me in spirit. I love you, Freddie. More than words can express.
Your favorite,
ever loving,
baby sister,
Your favorite,
ever loving,
baby sister,

Wed 19 Dec 2012 10:26
Nej xD men har för mig att det va någon om ministeriet... Nej nu måste jag kolla upp det!

Wed 19 Dec 2012 11:10
Juste dom duellerar också är det nånting om att percy fäller korpulens och säger att han slutar sitt jobb
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