Wednesday 26 December 2012 photo 5/5
Blev Remus Lupin i det här testet
Remus Lupin INFP
INFP:s are helpful, imaginative and idealistic. They are concerned with maintainging harmony with people around them and usually puts other peoples needs in front of their own. INFP:S may seem aloof but they have a great capacity for caring about things or people that are important to them.
Trodde jag skulle bli Hagrid, brukar bli honom. Men när jag nu tänker på det är jag nog inte helt olik våran egen Remus Lupin.
Dessutom är han ju min favoritkaraktärer, och har för mig att skådespelaren David Thewlis skriver dikter... vilket ju jag också gör.
Den där beskrivningen stämmer nog in ganska bra på mig
Wed 26 Dec 2012 19:51
Jag blev Dumbledore :o :) det stämmer nog lite grann iaf!
"INFJ's are ethical, empathetic and decisive. They have a keen sense of right and wrong and of their duty to uphold justice. INFJ's are very perceptive, especially regarding other people."
"INFJ's are ethical, empathetic and decisive. They have a keen sense of right and wrong and of their duty to uphold justice. INFJ's are very perceptive, especially regarding other people."
Wed 26 Dec 2012 19:29
Blev Olympe Maxime :P Stämmer in rätt bra på mig faktiskt.
"ENFJ's are charismatic, sensitive and commanding. They're good at juggling a lot of tasks at once. They make good teachers and leaders, and people naturally follow them"
"ENFJ's are charismatic, sensitive and commanding. They're good at juggling a lot of tasks at once. They make good teachers and leaders, and people naturally follow them"
Wed 26 Dec 2012 18:48
Jag blev Voldemort, vet inte riktigt hur jag ska tolka det haha.
"Lord Voldemort INTP
INTPs are intentive, logical and ambitious. They see elements of the world around them as things to be shaped by their hand into something more useful. INTPs have strong principles and will defend them vigorously if they're challenged."
"Lord Voldemort INTP
INTPs are intentive, logical and ambitious. They see elements of the world around them as things to be shaped by their hand into something more useful. INTPs have strong principles and will defend them vigorously if they're challenged."
Wed 26 Dec 2012 18:52
Gjorde den igen och fick Snape haha.
"Severus Snape INTJ
INTJs are resourceful, perfectionistic and reserved. They excel at planning and strategy and, thought they prefer to avoid drawing too much attention to themselves, they can be effective leaders when the need to arises.
INTJs do not often express strong emotions but can become animated when provoked."
Så jag antar att jag är någon sorts mix utav Voldemort och Snape. .... Great. Hmm.
"Severus Snape INTJ
INTJs are resourceful, perfectionistic and reserved. They excel at planning and strategy and, thought they prefer to avoid drawing too much attention to themselves, they can be effective leaders when the need to arises.
INTJs do not often express strong emotions but can become animated when provoked."
Så jag antar att jag är någon sorts mix utav Voldemort och Snape. .... Great. Hmm.
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