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H=Väte He=Helium Li=Litium Be=Beryllium B=Bor C=Kol N=Kväve O=Syre F=Fluor Ne=Neon Na=Natrium Mg=Magnesium Al=Aluminium Si=Kisel P=Fosfor S=Svavel Cl=Klor Ar=Argon K=Kalium Ca=Kalcium Sc=Skandium Ti=Titan V=Vanadin Cr=Krom Mn=Mangan Fe=Järn Co=Kobolt Ni=Nickel Cu=Koppar Zn=Zink Ga=Gallium Ge=Germanium As=Arsenik Se=Selen Br=Brom Kr=Krypton Rb=Rubidium Sr=Strontium Y=Rubidium Zr=Zirkonium Nb=Niob Mo=Molybden Tc=Teknetium Ru=Rutenium Rh=Rodium Pb=Palladium Ag=Silver Cd=Kadmium In=Indium Sn=Tenn Sb=Antimon Te=Tellur I=Iod Xe=Xenon Cs=Cesium Ba=Barium La-Lu=Lantanoider Hf=Hafnium Ta=Tantal W=Volfram Re=Rhenium Os=Osmium Ir=Iridium Pt=Platina Au=Guld Hg=Kvicksilver Tl=Tallium Pb=Bly Bi=Vismut Po=Polonium At=Astat Rn=Radon Fr=Francium Ra=Radium Ac-Lr=Aktinoider Rf=Rutherfordium Db=Dubnium Sg=Seaborgium Bh=Bohrium Hs=Hassium Mt=Meitnerium Ds=Darmstadtium Rg=Röntgenium Cp=KopernikumBlivän/bevakaE=mc2
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