Tekniskt fel pågår.
På grund av att en server kraschat är det vissa problem att ladda upp bilder.
Flera äldre bilder har även försvunnit till följd av detta, vilket vi beklagar.
Vi arbetar för att få igång det så snart som möjligt.
Glad påsk! you can make me smile in the end. yes, you can.
Vilket jävla påhitt! Nya efternamn, haha!
Many journeys end here But, the secret's told the same: Life is just a candle, and that we must give it flame.. he fell into a fitful, yet, still pleasant sleep
People are strange when you're a stranger Faces look ugly when you're alone Women seem wicked when you're unwanted Streets are uneven when you're down When you're strange 
Det blir mycket gjort på datan @ EC1b's lektioner :o
Oh, how is it that I could come out to you, And be still floatin', And never hit bottom but keep falling through, Just relaxed and paying attention? All my two-dimensional boundaries were gone, I had