Tekniskt fel pågår.
På grund av att en server kraschat är det vissa problem att ladda upp bilder.
Flera äldre bilder har även försvunnit till följd av detta, vilket vi beklagar.
Vi arbetar för att få igång det så snart som möjligt.
En del saker går bara inte så man vill att de ska gå, men det är väl det som är meningen. Man kan inte förutse livets alla händelser. En del de bara sker. So
Kurt Cobain..<3
Would you pray for me..??
And everytime it's on my mind, I feel so insicure..
It worries me to end up here alone..
So keep on walkin' that road and I'll follow.
Keep on calling my name, I'll be there..<3
Så vackert...='l
You look out that window for someone you know, but it all looks the same, and time and again.
It hurts you so.
You wonder if always you'll stand on your own, but bear in your mind, you'll get trough
"Nu jävlar ska du få, SUCKER!!"
"Okejokej, det är lika bra att erkänna: VEM var det som fes..??"
"Jahopp.. Hur kommer det sig att du började med blinddating då..??"
"Du ska få fan för det här..!!"
Sixx A.M, så jävla bra de är asså..!!=P=)<3<3
Älskar Accidents Can Happen, å Life is Beautiful såklart..!!x)<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<
FAN va bra de är!!!!! x) <3<3<3<3
The Poodles !! =) Echoes from the past e en jävla bra låt..=P
Diggar John Norum..!! x) <3<3
Apocalyptica..<3 Kan det bli mykket bättre..??=P
Just open your eyes and see that life is beautiful..<3
The Sound Of Silence:
Hello darkness, my old friend;
I've come to talk with you again.
Because a vision softly creeping
Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was pla
No More Mr. Nice Guy:
(No more
Mr. nice guy. Me, a nice guy? Yeah right!)
I used to be such a sweet, sweet thing
'Til they got a hold of me
I opened doors for little old ladies
I helped
Accidents Can Happen:
Don't give up, it takes a while
I have seen this look before
And it's alright
You're not alone
If you don't love this anymore
I hear that you've slipped again
Den här snubben e ju så himla bra..;)<3 Det bara e så.;)<3
The one who dares to fight, is the one who dare to win...
When we choose different ways, what is going to happen..?? Are we then going to forget eachother..?? Is that the future that we slowly walks to greet..??
(Nej, det e inte en "dikt" till käre g
I have always love to smile, but I couldn't do it, until I found you..
starring at the dashboard light
don´t know my speed
and I play the music far to loud
I get lost but I don´t care that´s how I feel
it’s been a while since we’ve stopped t