Monday 18 July 2011 photo 1/3
<i style="color: rgb(128, 0, 0); ">"She was only sixteen
Only sixteen but I loved her so
She was too young to fall in love and I was too young to know " (Sam Cooke)
"She was barely sixteen and too young to be drinking wine
She belonged to a guy with a car the aggrasive kind
I got high on a rush when my eyes locked on hers
She would not look away and from there it got worse
She came up and said i know that pain doesn´t hurt " (Brolle jr)
Osv, finns en hel del sånger om töser i 16årsåldern. Frågan är om man kommer leva upp till dessa?
Camera info
Camera NIKON D90
Focal length 34 mm
Aperture f/4.2
Shutter 1/250 s