Monday 29 June 2009 photo 1/3
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Jag är inte direkt något stort Jackson fan direkt. Men ändå så känns det inte riktigt klart om hans död. Jag säger bara rest in peace. Och sen om han va peddo eller inte skiter väl jag i.
Iallafall vill ni inte läsa om Michael så finns elvis neranför. Elvis Presley, the king.
Michael Jackson, King of Pop, is dead. Jackson's fame spanned a childhood with the legendary Jackson 5 to a superstar solo career that earned him the nickname 'King of Pop' and many millions of dollars. Jackson died of cardiac arrest. He was 50.
The seventh of nine children, by age 5, Jackson was performing with his brothers, the Jackson Five. Driven by ambition and a demanding father, Joseph Jackson, Michael grew up singing in nightclubs with his brothers. The extraordinary rise of the Jackson Five started in the tough steel mill town of Gary, Indiana.
The world was first introduced to Jackson's overwhelming talent in the late 1960s. With hits like "ABC," "I'll Be There," and "Who's Loving You." the Jackson Five and front man Michael brought races together after the dark days of Martin Luther King's assassination and the subsequent riots and turmoil.
Yet Michael Jackson had a tumultuous life, beginning with his childhood at home and ending with ugly public accusations and controversy. But he will always be remembered for the great music he created, including 13 number one hits.
His legendary appearance on the 'Motown 25' television special when he did the moonwalk was a moment as great as The Beatles legendary appearance on 'The Ed Sullivan Show'. It was a defining moment of popular culture, a shared moment where the world as a collective whole recognized genius.
In death, as so often in life, Michael Jackson is dominating the media. The King of Pop held seven of the top 10 album downloads on Apple's iTunes store this morning, including the top five spots. In's CD section, the top 15 sellers were by Michael Jackson or the Jackson 5. On Twitter, five of the top 10 search terms related to Jackson. About 40 percent of the top Google search terms had to do with Jackson. YouTube dedicated an entire section to the Gloved One. A Michael Jackson tribute page on Facebook drew more than 900,000 fans.
There is no question that Michael Jackson was a musical genius. Yet in later life accusations of child abuse tarnished the King's crown. His tortured personal life, his apparent compulsion for plastic surgery, his distinctly odd behavior and manner as a middle aged man, all have been fodder for much humor.
However, now is the time to put the bad jokes and moral condemnation aside. Now is the time to appreciate the genius that brought so much to so many. R.I.P. Michael Jackson - King of Pop. Thank you for the music.
Jag vill hylla en av mina hjältar, Elvis Presley. Elvis föddes 8 januari 1935 och dog 42 år senare den 16 augusti 1977. Myterna om hans död är många - som så bör när en legend dör. Än idag, 29 år efter hans bortgång så säljer han fortfarande enorma mängder skivor. Faktiskt för mer pengar än när han levde, vilket alla hans efterlevande säkert är glada för.
Det finns fler som gör sig en hacka på honom. Det ska finnas över 200 låtar om honom eller som refererar till honom. Med jämna mellanrum poppar det upp artister som gör covers och remixar på olika låtar som Elvis gjort.
1987 släppte Pet Shop Boys plattan “Actually” med Elviscovern/remixen av “Always on my mind” som blev en listetta världen över. För att inte tala om vad det gjorde för varumärket Pet Shop Boys.
Pojkarna i Pet Shop hade dock funnits med i bilden några år innan de släppte singeln. Namnet JXL däremot satte sig på allmänhetens läppar sommaren 2002. Då släppte de singeln “A little less conversation” och den gav dem en jättehit - med listettor som följd. Låten snurrade på radion, videon flimrade på TV dygnet runt - den blev nästan en plåga.
Robbie Williams går ett steg åt sidan och hyllar kungen i sin nya singel “Advertising space“. I hans text syns tydliga spår av beundran för den forne stjärnan, det generösa livet han levde och för de han lämnade efter sig. Lisa Marie Presley nämns i slutet av texten med raderna: “I’ve seen your daughter man she’s cute, I was scared but I wanted to, boy she looks a lot like you”.
Nästa år är det 30 år sedan Elvis Presley lämnade oss i stor sorg. Det kommer förmodligen att ge ovanstående artister fart på sina singlar än en gång, men det kommer framför allt att bli en stor hyllning till Elvis. Så lägg in den 16 augusti i era kalendrar och planera in er egen elvisdag och hylla den största av oss alla.
Elvis Aaron Presley 8/1 1935 - 16/8 1977.
Iallafall vill ni inte läsa om Michael så finns elvis neranför. Elvis Presley, the king.
Michael Jackson, King of Pop, is dead. Jackson's fame spanned a childhood with the legendary Jackson 5 to a superstar solo career that earned him the nickname 'King of Pop' and many millions of dollars. Jackson died of cardiac arrest. He was 50.
The seventh of nine children, by age 5, Jackson was performing with his brothers, the Jackson Five. Driven by ambition and a demanding father, Joseph Jackson, Michael grew up singing in nightclubs with his brothers. The extraordinary rise of the Jackson Five started in the tough steel mill town of Gary, Indiana.
The world was first introduced to Jackson's overwhelming talent in the late 1960s. With hits like "ABC," "I'll Be There," and "Who's Loving You." the Jackson Five and front man Michael brought races together after the dark days of Martin Luther King's assassination and the subsequent riots and turmoil.
Yet Michael Jackson had a tumultuous life, beginning with his childhood at home and ending with ugly public accusations and controversy. But he will always be remembered for the great music he created, including 13 number one hits.
His legendary appearance on the 'Motown 25' television special when he did the moonwalk was a moment as great as The Beatles legendary appearance on 'The Ed Sullivan Show'. It was a defining moment of popular culture, a shared moment where the world as a collective whole recognized genius.
In death, as so often in life, Michael Jackson is dominating the media. The King of Pop held seven of the top 10 album downloads on Apple's iTunes store this morning, including the top five spots. In's CD section, the top 15 sellers were by Michael Jackson or the Jackson 5. On Twitter, five of the top 10 search terms related to Jackson. About 40 percent of the top Google search terms had to do with Jackson. YouTube dedicated an entire section to the Gloved One. A Michael Jackson tribute page on Facebook drew more than 900,000 fans.
There is no question that Michael Jackson was a musical genius. Yet in later life accusations of child abuse tarnished the King's crown. His tortured personal life, his apparent compulsion for plastic surgery, his distinctly odd behavior and manner as a middle aged man, all have been fodder for much humor.
However, now is the time to put the bad jokes and moral condemnation aside. Now is the time to appreciate the genius that brought so much to so many. R.I.P. Michael Jackson - King of Pop. Thank you for the music.
Jag vill hylla en av mina hjältar, Elvis Presley. Elvis föddes 8 januari 1935 och dog 42 år senare den 16 augusti 1977. Myterna om hans död är många - som så bör när en legend dör. Än idag, 29 år efter hans bortgång så säljer han fortfarande enorma mängder skivor. Faktiskt för mer pengar än när han levde, vilket alla hans efterlevande säkert är glada för.
1987 släppte Pet Shop Boys plattan “Actually” med Elviscovern/remixen av “Always on my mind” som blev en listetta världen över. För att inte tala om vad det gjorde för varumärket Pet Shop Boys.
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