Monday 20 April 2009 photo 4/4
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Så, till slut, kan den lilla bilden (backa två bildsteg) beskådas i sin helhet. Personerna på bilden heter Noir (mörkt hår) och Andrew (blond). De hör till samma berättelse som Grey (4 mars) men har inte samma upphovsbakgrund.
Nedan följer en text som jag skrev samtidigt som jag ritade bilden. (den texten som har krånglat när jag har försökt att klistra in den från word, så nu har den renskrivits direkt här.) Man kan ana den uppe till höger.
Stort tack till Jossi för din hjälp med korrekturläsning och tips!:D
"I´ts nothing. Just a headache."
"Is that so? And what is the reason of that pain?"
"Nothng I said. Really nothing."
He turned around and started to walk towards the door. He didn´t want to show this side of himself to anybody. Especially not to Andrew.
"You can´t get out that way. It´s locked." Andrew said quickly. Noir stopped. What, he couldn´t get out? Did he have to turn around and walk through the room to the other door, in front of Andrew?! He became paralyzed. All the feelings inside him welled up at the same time. No! Noir thought. He wouldn´t cry in front of his partner, he could not show any weakness! What should he do? The tears burning in his eyes where becoming increasingly difficult to hold back.
Suddenly, he felt a comforting hug as Andrew places his arms around his waist.
"It´s okay." Andrew whispered. "Go ahead and cry if you need to. I won´t ask any questions about it." Then it totally broke for Noir. However, he still wasn´t able to move so he could not push away Andrew.
How could he let Andrew comfort him like this? He did not deserve it. His hands were dirty.
"It´s okay." Andrew said again. Maby, Noir thought. Maby Andrew was right. Maby it was okay to be hold like this, to feel comfort this one time. He leaned in to Andrews embrace and allowed himself to be gently rocked until a calm settled over him and all of his tears were dried.
Nedan följer en text som jag skrev samtidigt som jag ritade bilden. (den texten som har krånglat när jag har försökt att klistra in den från word, så nu har den renskrivits direkt här.) Man kan ana den uppe till höger.
Stort tack till Jossi för din hjälp med korrekturläsning och tips!:D
"I´ts nothing. Just a headache."
"Is that so? And what is the reason of that pain?"
"Nothng I said. Really nothing."
He turned around and started to walk towards the door. He didn´t want to show this side of himself to anybody. Especially not to Andrew.
"You can´t get out that way. It´s locked." Andrew said quickly. Noir stopped. What, he couldn´t get out? Did he have to turn around and walk through the room to the other door, in front of Andrew?! He became paralyzed. All the feelings inside him welled up at the same time. No! Noir thought. He wouldn´t cry in front of his partner, he could not show any weakness! What should he do? The tears burning in his eyes where becoming increasingly difficult to hold back.
Suddenly, he felt a comforting hug as Andrew places his arms around his waist.
"It´s okay." Andrew whispered. "Go ahead and cry if you need to. I won´t ask any questions about it." Then it totally broke for Noir. However, he still wasn´t able to move so he could not push away Andrew.
How could he let Andrew comfort him like this? He did not deserve it. His hands were dirty.
"It´s okay." Andrew said again. Maby, Noir thought. Maby Andrew was right. Maby it was okay to be hold like this, to feel comfort this one time. He leaned in to Andrews embrace and allowed himself to be gently rocked until a calm settled over him and all of his tears were dried.
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