Sunday 12 April 2009 photo 1/2
I always thought you did care, if even just for the tiniest bit
I always tried to fool myself
To make myself believe
Now I see that you never really cared at all
And look what those lies did to me
I'm lying here broken, with an unhealing heart
With only weakness left in my bones
And without the strength to ever rise up again
You broke not only my heart, but my ability to heal
I thought you cared, if even just for the tiniset bit
I always tried to fool myself
To make myself believe
Now I see that you never really cared at all
And look what those lies did to me
I'm lying here broken, with an unhealing heart
With only weakness left in my bones
And without the strength to ever rise up again
You broke not only my heart, but my ability to heal
I thought you cared, if even just for the tiniset bit
Comment the photo
Mon 13 Apr 2009 00:37
inget spec. hittade bara en text jag skrev för längesen och kom på att den passade lite med hur jag känner, även om texten ursprungligen inte handlade om det...
2 comments on this photo