May 2010
WHO THE FUCK ARE YOU? you dont know about the fires you awaken in me ... you dont know about what hate is for a real deal ... you dont know what the devil gifted me with as a curse .. and yo
OH NOES! ja... vad fan händer med youtube? ... any hackers hanin' around the chans out there? [troll face]
I Am Knee Deep In The Abyss O my lord how you had me from that very start, such an exellent creation of doom you had me bound to, how shall I spread hate and awaken hell upon this earth? just t
Night again, another hour of watching my twin, he reminds me of what was, and what was lost. As time passes by and i know sitting here is wrong, i keep stalking my victims. curiosity makes me break
waiting ... waitng ... for the only missing thing ... ... for the reason to harden myself. waiting for hate to ripp into pieces, a new shot to beat the demons. you cant corrupt me, Its i who
Go ahead and leave, this is the dark side of Mars. Venus is that way. a feeling of disapointment rises again.