Wednesday 22 July 2009 photo 1/1
Don'T saY yoU loVe Me I doN't beLive iT.
DOn't Say tHE WorDs If yOu dOn't mEaN it.
DoN't waNNa heAr it ouT in tHe opeN.
JuST giVe it bAck iF You don'T meAn it. . .
Don'T saY yoU loVe Me I doN't beLive iT.
DOn't Say tHE WorDs If yOu dOn't mEaN it.
DoN't waNNa heAr it ouT in tHe opeN.
JuST giVe it bAck iF You don'T meAn it. . .