Thursday 1 September 2011 photo 1/1
Forever alone.
Camera info
Camera W20i
Focal length 4 mm
Aperture f/2.6
Shutter 1/10 s
ISO 40
Thu 24 Nov 2011 19:37
Never alone, but forever beautiful! :*
Fri 2 Sep 2011 14:04
Sure, forever alone
Alone in the dark
The dark can scare you
But always know that
That in the dark
There is always a light
A light so bright
So bright that you
That you always will find
Find the way from the dark, to the light <3
Alone in the dark
The dark can scare you
But always know that
That in the dark
There is always a light
A light so bright
So bright that you
That you always will find
Find the way from the dark, to the light <3
Thu 1 Sep 2011 20:37
awwh du har alltid mig ju! ^^ <3 så noo ur not forever alone! :d
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