Sunday 25 September 2011 photo 1/1
1) Favorite object in your room?
In my room? Uh, that's quite a tough question.. But i guess my bed. xD
2) Have you ever smoked a cigarette?
3) Do you own guns?
Softguns and paintball-guns? xD
4) What flavor drink do you get at sonic?
Oooh! Uhnn.. I just usually get pink lemonade or strawberry milkshake, I MISS U USA
5) Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
Not really, Atleast not yet!
6) What do you think of hot dogs?
They are OK, it depends. xD I also misinterpreted that. Nyoron~
7) Favorite song?
Masqurade - Kuroneko's character song =u=
8.) Can you do push ups?
Uhh. Not yet. not yet :I
9) Can you do a chin up?
Just a couple in a row. But after that... Oh no no no!
10) Favourite type of jewelery?
Hnn, Cute rings with cupcakes. i guess.
11) Do you like blue cheese?
Yep. And it's called BLU cheese. noob. :<
12) Ever been in a car wreck?
Yep =u= Not for any particular reason tho'
13) What’s one trait that you hate about yourself?
Oh, another tough question. But i guess.. that i'm not really able to comfort people if there was to be something wrong.
14) Middle name?
Error. Please try with a person that actually has a middle name.
15) Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment:
1. Anime
2. Figure releases
3. Nyoron
16) Name 3 things you bought yesterday.(thisweekLOL)
1. A backpack. for school.
2. New shoes. without laces. i can't tie shoes with laces atm.
3. A secondhand Taiga last ep. PVC figure and a Seitokai no ichizon artbook.
17) Name 3 drinks you drink regularly.
1. Juice.
2. Coke
3. Water
18.) Current worry?
Uhn. I'll keep that to myself.
19) Current hate right now?
People that blame others because of their own faults.
Please face it and move on.
20) How did you bring in the New Year?
Had a BBQ with my.. uh, dad brothers, the older one's girlfriend. two retards that doesn't belong in there at all.
21) Where would you like to be right now?
Uhn. Another question i want to keep to myself.
But other than that i guess USA.
22) Name three people who will complete this?
You know who you are.
Or else ur simpletons. BD
23) Do you own slippers?
Oh why, yes OvO
24) What shirt are you wearing?
A cute, pink Moods of norway shirt. i love it.
25) Do you like sleeping on satin sheets?
Idk. i don't really tell any difference when it comes to sleeping, i sleep anywhere, everywhere.
26) Can you whistle?
Yeah, a little.
27) Would you be a pirate?
Nya, Maybe?
28.) What songs do you sing in the shower?
Random anime OP's and ED's.
29) Favorite girl’s name?
30) Favorite boy’s name?
Lucas, francais. ;v;
31) What’s in your pocket?
Nothing. :<
32) Last person who made you laugh?
Amanda. =u=
33) Best memory as a child?
I guess it was when i first met my horse. =u=
34) Worst injury you’ve ever had?
Uhh, I got pushed by a horse and fell backwards. My elbow died and i had to get a surgery done the same week =n=
35) Do you love where you live?
Not really. This place is ttly dead. I'm looking forward moving somewhere else.
36.) How many TVs do you have in your house?
1. 4 at dad's. 1 at moms.
37) Who is your loudest friend?
Uhh, I guess it's Amanda and sofie when they are extremely tired.
38.) How many dogs do you have?
39) Does someone have a crush on you?
I think so.. @v@
40) What is your favorite candy?
41) Favorite Sport?
I like to run 60 m's races. i'm actually pretty good at it. but other than that, horse riding =u= and gaming LOL.
42) Where is the next place you want to travel to?
USA, Asia
43) What were you doing 12 AM last night?
I was... drawing, i think ovo
44) What was the first thing you thought of when you woke up?
''Oh.. what time is it? OH FUCK NO IT'S 12 PM MY MEDECINES NOOO;''
LOL. enjoy pplz xD
Comment the photo
Sun 25 Sep 2011 11:32
Hur är det med din nu Tanja, mår du ok efter op? :)
きりのー♪ ( ゚▽゚)/
Sun 25 Sep 2011 12:00
Ah jag mår bra. Ska prova på skolan nu till måndag. Får hoppas att jag inte blir allt för trött XD
Hur går det med dig då? Du ramlade av hästen och fick hjärnskakning hörde jag D:
Hur går det med dig då? Du ramlade av hästen och fick hjärnskakning hörde jag D:
Sun 25 Sep 2011 13:12
Vad skönt :) Känns det annorlunda nu när ryggen är rak? Ja, blev knockad av ett träd när Hnokki blev rädd, så jag åkte av och fick hjärnskakning ;) Men det är ok, är s nart bra igen!
きりのー♪ ( ゚▽゚)/
Sun 25 Sep 2011 13:40
Det kändes annorlunda i början. Men nu känns det bara naturligt. som att jag har haft den ryggen hela livet XD
Auch. Du får krya. ^^`
Auch. Du får krya. ^^`
Sun 25 Sep 2011 02:30
vet du vad..jag har s¨å tråkigt att jag tänker göra den här...
haha sofie och amanda xD
haha sofie och amanda xD
きりのー♪ ( ゚▽゚)/
Sun 25 Sep 2011 02:34
Do so xD
+ yep. Så fort de börjar flumma och skratta så är det kört för oss andra. DÅ BLIRE SKRATTATTACKTILLSVIALLADÖR
+ yep. Så fort de börjar flumma och skratta så är det kört för oss andra. DÅ BLIRE SKRATTATTACKTILLSVIALLADÖR
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