Tuesday 10 July 2007 photo 2/23
when things are like they are now I'm reminded about how much all of this means to me and that I would be dead if I didn't have you no joking I am so tired of this world and all the disgusting people in it so tired of myself and the person I've become - the person I'm becoming? - so sick of the fact that I can't change myself enough music is my ultimate drug and my only true mean of really feeling alive when things are horrible, music makes me feel better when I'm sad, it's there to be melancholic along with me when I'm lonely, it makes me feel less alone when I'm happy, it makes me even happier it creates memories and always keeps me company I have never known music as I have known it with you and if something ever happens to shatter this it is only natural that I will kill myself without hesitation because... how can the only thing in my life that has ever felt this right possibly be wrong?
Wed 11 Jul 2007 10:48
Efter alla dessa år i bra och dåligt så vet jag fan en sak, du föddes för att spela musik. Aldrig har jag sett dig älska något så mycket. Även om du blir superkändis eller inte så kommer de gamla bröderna alltid finnas här<3
Wed 11 Jul 2007 10:49
det där är nog tamejfan det finaste du nånsin skrivit ASFOPASFOKPASFOAKPFASOKA
Tue 10 Jul 2007 10:49
Lite nere i dessa dagar?
Lite nere i dessa dagar?
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