Tuesday 8 July 2008 photo 1/2
Changing the plan of the LaNtZeN clan,
bringing in my style of my music you
know how my style is homie, My own
style bree, jag behöver inte jaga
cashen, cashen jagar mig, det e
sanningen det, and i say Im changing
the plan of the LaNtZeN clan, the G
style, you have never seen someone
like me, im rare, that's the truth, går
all in när det väl gäller, as i say there is
just one of me, dont underestimate my
powers, Im young and my powers is
huge! I do this for the LaNtZeN clan,
this is LaNtZeN den äkta!
Made by : LaNtZeN
bringing in my style of my music you
know how my style is homie, My own
style bree, jag behöver inte jaga
cashen, cashen jagar mig, det e
sanningen det, and i say Im changing
the plan of the LaNtZeN clan, the G
style, you have never seen someone
like me, im rare, that's the truth, går
all in när det väl gäller, as i say there is
just one of me, dont underestimate my
powers, Im young and my powers is
huge! I do this for the LaNtZeN clan,
this is LaNtZeN den äkta!
Made by : LaNtZeN
Comment the photo
Tue 8 Jul 2008 21:50
:D<3 (y)
4 comments on this photo