Monday 3 January 2011 photo 2/2
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Interviewer: A lot of fans were wondering what it’s like to work with Chris Colfer. Jane Lynch once described him as, I think, an 80 year old woman in a teenage boy’s body. Would you agree with that, or how would you describe him yourself?
Darren: I mean, I’ve spent most of my time with Chris, but I’ve only been there for a short amount of time. I really like Chris a whole lot, we get to geek out a lot of musical theatre things and I think we enjoy a lot of the same things in general. I think both of us strive to be generally fabulous on a day-to-day basis, so that’s something I like to relate to Chris about. But I read that Jane said that about him. I don’t know – maybe it’s because – well, I wouldn’t say that he’s an 80 year old woman. I’d say he’s more of like – he’s like a magical creature, like a really fun, magical.. I can’t figure out what entity I want to say. Yeah, he’s like… man, I’m trying to think of a good creature that’s like, awesome. He’s like a really playful wood nymph. A wood nymph that’s caught in Chris Colfer’s body. That’s what I would say, because he loves – he’s a really positive, playful guy. So wood nymph does it better for me than 80 year old woman. But then again, that might just be a difference in sentiment between me and Jane Lynch, because arguably, they are the same thing. Maybe wood nymphs are, in fact, 80 year old women, maybe that’s…
You never know.
Yeah, I think when you turn 80 as a woman, you turn into a wood nymph. I wouldn’t know, I’ll have to ask my 80 year old women friends.
haha asså wtf?? Vad är det för skumma jämförelser? Först 80-årig gammal kvinna och sedan en lekfull skogsfe? X''''D <3 och även att Darren har vänner som är 80-åriga gamla kvinnor...
haha asså wtf?? Vad är det för skumma jämförelser? Först 80-årig gammal kvinna och sedan en lekfull skogsfe? X''''D <3 och även att Darren har vänner som är 80-åriga gamla kvinnor...
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jag tror den sista kommentaren var sarkastisk dock. typ "well I don't know I'll have to aske my 80 year old friends" För att han inte har det liksom^^
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