Wednesday 22 August 2007 photo 1/9
My Chemical Romance fans So we claim to be an army To be part of any army, you need co-operation, trust and bravery. But why are some of our MCR soldiers turning their backs on us? To fall in line with a conformist society? Is that what they want from us? For us to FALTER and fall onto our knees? We will NEVER BE AFRAID. We will NEVER BACK DOWN We will NEVER BE ALONE. So it's time to celebrate. Not for MCR, for the MCR Fans. For the kids who are not okay. For the kids who stuck by MCR to the very end. For the kids who aren't afraid to walk this FUCKING world alone. On August 22nd, lower your guns soldiers. Do something special for an MCR fan. It's finally time to celebrate the Fans; Who put up with everyone's shit Who defend MCR Who are told to cut their wrists because they listen to My Chemical Romance. August 22nd, My Chemical Fan's day. If you're an MCR fan, repost this and spread the world. Let's unite this motherfucking army...
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