Tekniskt fel pågår.
På grund av att en server kraschat är det vissa problem att ladda upp bilder.
Flera äldre bilder har även försvunnit till följd av detta, vilket vi beklagar.
Vi arbetar för att få igång det så snart som möjligt.
(<''''''333333)) i'm so sorry that i don't go online and talk to you for 1 month. it was a very crazy month and i was so sad for a long time... i am still sad bud i try to life as normal, becauz l
i have a new nickname x'''DDD puZi wuahahaha, thank you DANY x''''''D puZi sound likee... yaww you know. i don't even want to say itt wuahahah. tuesday next week -14-july i am going to croatia with m
split, croatiaa FiiRST TiiME FOR ME --------- is croatia nicee? me and my friend have never go there souw it will be a suprise.. o_______O*'
split, croatiaa beautifullll i WANNA GO NOW x''''O
split, croatiaa <'''33333
piizzaa today = me likey x''''DD and we have a new nintendo 360 WUUEHHH iam happiiee. becuz all night yesturday i play wit my brother lucaaas and tom wuahah and i am better than all people hereee souw
Beforeee.... . (it's not a porn fotttoo X__x*')last time it wasn't so good bud this timee i say ii NEED TO DO iiT souww.. o______O*' and i think mabey when i'm 18 i will do a tattooo... not so or
YAEYY x'''')) last time i don't touchh it becuz i don't want infection so it heal together -_______-*' bud this time i don't let it heel so i can get a scar from it, wuaha before i was so stupit my g0
TH.TH.TH.TH <''''333333
YESSS i am fat x________X*' don't say it wuahaa. TH FOREVER iiN MY <''33 this is permanent... will always lovee they.
mg.. . this is so booorringg o________O*' all people go on holiday. i am stilll homeee bud next week iss CROATiiAAAA!! i am so happyy. but now i don't know what to do x____X*' my brother iss in puerto
wuahaha heeelo x''DD (hottie in foto, UUWW) today i have baked, really it was allmost my first time... and i make a chocolate cake x'')) i thout i was really reeeallyy bad but it was okey, now i wait
iiii had to make a foto x'''DD sorrysorrrry don't look at my ugly face. i look so fat in this wuaha bud actually i have now loose weight from 1 monthh.. i don't belive it myself. x'')) i'm wireddd wua
ByyEbyyEE Leonii, Kathii, Hannah, Salome & Yasmiine >>> SPLiiT, CROATiiA!!! if they have whireless internert i will be onlinee wuahah bud other not x''DD i am back 21 julyy so i will spe