April 2017
Ser jag tjock ut i ansiktet? Har själv tyckt att jag gör det ett bra tag nu... Blä.. I have to be with you to live, to breathe You're taking over me I look in the mirror and see your face
Nu öppnade farsan käften igen, tidigare såg jag för tjock ut, nu börjar jag se för smal ut, har gått ner 11-12 kg på 2 månader, vilket är bra, men han tycker jag ser för smal ut nu, alltså
Ja då sitter man och skissar lastbil nu då! (bara grovskiss hittills!) Massa skuggningar, detaljer, reflektioner och ska göra motivlackering på den också, krångligt som fan, men kul också!!! J
Well, the years start coming and they don't stop coming Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running Didn't make sense not to live for fun Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb <3
Jaha, där kom Ã¥ngesten, hallisarna, madrömmarna och oron tillbaka, det här bli ju bara bättre, suget efter kicken gör mig galen, tryckrer i mig lugnande och hoppas pÃ¥ det bästa, men jag ska vÃ
I was self medicated heavily sedated, understated that I hated every last part of who I was, who I was, or who I'd become I was numb, I was dumb, I was foolish, I was young Took me two whole fucking y
Stoner in the eyes of the beholder Beauty, begging, game is over Leave you with a shoulder colder Boy why you mad I already warned ya Ice hot, won't stop Breaking necks when I step in the spot No shot
This time I'm 'a let it all come out This time I'm 'a stand up and shout I'm 'a do things my way It's my way My way, or the highway Gick visst och blev blond, hehe!
Blågrön hårig igen!! Mr. Play It Safe was afraid to fly He packed his suitcase and kissed his kids goodbye He waited his whole damn life to take that flight And as the plane crashed down he though
Do you know what it's like when You're not who you wanna be Do you know what it's like to Be your own worst enemy Who sees the things in me I can't hide Do you know what it's like to wanna surrender
töjt min septum! 4 mm!! Bam Pow! Pedal to the metal I said blast off Full speed ahead, to the last stop By the power invested in me I do believe in destiny I don't believe in resting these Eye