Tuesday 14 February 2012 photo 2/5
Happy fucking bullshit valentines day!
I'm not the same as yesterday
Ooh...It's hard to explain
How things have changed
But I'm not the same as before
And I know there's so much more ahead
I can barely believe that I'm here
And I won't surrender quietly
Step up and watch me go
Ooh...It's hard to explain
How things have changed
But I'm not the same as before
And I know there's so much more ahead
I can barely believe that I'm here
And I won't surrender quietly
Step up and watch me go
Comment the photo
Tue 14 Feb 2012 18:11
Jag är ledsen, men dina deppiga bilder är något jag inte vill se då jag kollar igenom allas bdber som lagt upp bilder. Så tyvärr, du mår dåligt I get it. Men jag kan inte göra något.
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