Friday 30 November 2007 photo 5/5
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Porr! :'''''''D <333 Stulet av elict~ ;D 50 frågor~ 1. If your doctor told you TODAY that you were pregnant, what would you say? OMG!!!! 8DDD Is it twins?? *w* -lol- 2. Do you trust all of your friends? Yup, of course! ^3^ <3 3. Would you move to another state or country to be with the one you love? Always~ :'D 4. Do you believe that everything happens for a reason? No 5. Can you make a pound in change right now? No >w< 6. Which one of your friends do you think would make the best doctor? Hmmm....Poeie, I think. :'D She's so smart and all~ xD <3 7. Are you afraid of falling in love? Noo... >: 8. How many cars are on your drive? Right now, three, two working, one snowed-in. xDDD 9. Is there someone who pops into your mind at random times? Yups, quite a bunch of people, actually, but....mostly Shiro. :'D 10. What's your favourite scar? Hmmm.....Have to be my pinch-scar from my sister that I got when I was juat a kid. x'''''D She was a bit evil at that time.... >: 11. When was the last time you flew in a plane? Can't really remember... >w< 12. What did the last text message you sent say and who to? It said that our webdesign-class hadn't started yet, and it was to my sister. x3 13. What features do you find most attractive in the preferred sex? Hmmm.....eyes, body, peronality.... >: The whole person? >w< 14. Fill in the blank. I love: ----- ;D Secret~ xD <3 15. What is a goal you would like to accomplish in the near future? Cosplay~~! 8DDD 16. Do you ever disobey your parents? yup, latest was yesterday, they argued with me about me buying lenses... >_< CP! D: 17. How many kids do you want to have? Two? :''D Or one.... xDDD 18. Would you make a good parent? I think so~ :'] Both of my little brothers used to call me "mum" when they were like...tiny. xDD 'Cause I was the one taking most care of them. :'3 19. Where was your default picture taken? ?? 20. What's your middle name? Lucia. >: I wanna get another name too: Tsuki! >w< <3333 21. Honestly, what's on your mind right now? Ehm....I'm wondering if my little brothers have gone to sleep yet... xDDD *babysitting... >:* 22. If you could go back in time and change something, what would it be? Like....alot. D: 23. Who was or will be the maid of honour/ best man at your wedding? >w< Gha! That....depends on who I marry. xDD But at least Poeie, I think~ :'] <3 And maybe my sister? xDD And if anyone else would wanna....I would be happy! :'D <3 24. What are you wearing right now? Jeans + black hooded sweather. >w< 25. Righty or Lefty? Righty 26. Best place to eat? At a restaurant? :'D Noo, at home~ xD <3 27. Favourite jeans? The ones I'm wearing now, 'cause...they're my only jeans. D: 28. Favourite animal? Can't descide... T-T 29. Favourite juice? Apple/Pear-juice! 8DDD 30. Have you had the chicken pox? I don't know... D: 31. Have you had a sore throat? Haven't we all? >: 32. Ever had a bar fight? Lol, no xD 33. Who knows you the best? >w< I....actually have no idea.... D: Probably my sister. >_< 34. Shoe size? 39-41 :3 35. Do you wear contact lenses or glasses? I wanna wear my colored lenses, but my mum won't let me... D:I 36. Ever been in a fight with your pet? Have no pet... >w< 37. Been to Mexico? No >: 38. Did you buy something today? No, have no money... D: 39. Did you get sick today? Not that I know of... >w< 40. Do you miss someone today? Yes~ ;A; A lot of people! T-T <3333 41. Did you get in a fight with someone today? Nope 42. When is the last time you had a massage? Have no idea D: 43. Last person to lay in your bed? Nobody except me... T-T 44. Last person to see you cry? I don't really let people see me cry, but the last time someone did, I think it was my sister... D: 45. Who made you cry? Latest time I cried: Nothing, really, I just...started crying. >_< Probably loneliness... D': The time my sister saw me cry: I felt "outside" when we were with some friends... >: 46. What was the last TV show you watched? Hmmmmm.....>w< Eureka I think. :'D 47. What are your plans for the weekend? Ugh...have no idea. D: Draw? >_< 48. Who do you think will repost this? Ehh.....somebody maybe? xDDD 49. Who was the last person you hung out with? My sister and her boyfriend. :'] They're so wierd! xDD But then I am too. ;D 50. If your significant other asked you to marry them TODAY what would you say? ;A; Yes~~ TwT (( depends on who that "significant other" would be... xDDD))
Comment the photo

Sat 1 Dec 2007 03:06
8''''D Coolt har du????????? x'D Jag bara hitta bilden lite random~ :'D Den var ju massa söt ju~ xDD Är den bra då? *w* <3
Fri 30 Nov 2007 22:07
14. Fill in the blank. I love:
----- ;D Secret~ xD <3
maaaahhh nu blir jag nyfiken (i vanlig ordning) ^0^ va roligt å va kär i nån , avundas dig
18. Would you make a good parent?
I think so~ :'] Both of my little brothers used to call me "mum" when they were like...tiny. xDD 'Cause I was the one taking most care of them. :'3
naaww ^w^ tror att du skulle bli en jättebra mamma, du e som så lugn av dig
----- ;D Secret~ xD <3
maaaahhh nu blir jag nyfiken (i vanlig ordning) ^0^ va roligt å va kär i nån , avundas dig
18. Would you make a good parent?
I think so~ :'] Both of my little brothers used to call me "mum" when they were like...tiny. xDD 'Cause I was the one taking most care of them. :'3
naaww ^w^ tror att du skulle bli en jättebra mamma, du e som så lugn av dig

Fri 30 Nov 2007 22:08
Hoho~ x3 Joo, fast...det skulle ju va roligare om man visste hur den andre kände, och om den kännr likadant. >: Men joo, lite trevligt kan det allt va. x] Du kommer allt att hitta nån du med ska du se~ :'D *kram* <3
:'D Tack~ Men äsch, inte då. xDD Kan allt va lite bråkig med. ;]
:'D Tack~ Men äsch, inte då. xDD Kan allt va lite bråkig med. ;]
4 comments on this photo