Wednesday 16 March 2011 photo 1/3
Stulat av @CageTrapped
Alphabet meme.
- Available: Yup
- Age: 21
- Annoyance: Some people... 8|
- Allergic: Nuuuuthinnn
- Animal: Favourite, or what? Then....pandas 8D Or dogs...or birds...or lizzards....
- Actor: Again, favourite? Then, at the moment, Jensen Ackles, Jared Padalecki and Misha Collins. 8D
- Beer: Yuck.
- Birthday/Birthplace: 12th December 1989, Karlskoga, Sweden...I think. XD Otherwise it was in Örebro...
- Best Friends: ÄMMA 8D And Poeie, my sister, Elin, England, Kairi and Yuki. 8)
- Body Part on opposite sex: Erhm.....dunno.
- Best feeling in the world: DERPNESS. 8--D
- Blind or Deaf: I'd rather be blind than deaf, I think. Music is rather important to me. XD
- Best weather: Spring-weather-ish.
- Been in Love: Unrequited, yes.
- Been bitched out?: ...huh? XD
- Been on stage?: Yeahhhh....karaoke.... XD;
- Believe in yourself?: Nope.
- Believe in life on other planets: Yeah, I think it's a bit weird not to... XD
- Believe in miracles: I guess.
- Believe in Magic: Nah......well....I dunno. XD
- Believe in God: Nope.
- Believe in Satan: Nope.
- Believe in Santa: Totally. 8--D
- Believe in Ghosts/spirits: Mhaaroohh...dunno.
- Believe in Evolution: ...Yeah? XD
- Car: I don't have one, no.
- Candy: Gimmeh. 8--(
- Colour: EVERYONE.
- Cried in school: Think so, when I was younger....or...yeah, I KNOW so. XD Like when I got.... fälld (swenglish) the school corridor (stonefloor, yaay), and when I got a "bandy stick" in my face. XD
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Both!
- Chinese/Mexican: Chinese, I think. 'Cause I guess we're talking about food here. XD
- Cake or pie: THE CAKE IS A LIE!!!!!
- Countries to visit: Great Britain, AGAIN. Germany would be fun to go to again too. And....ehm.......I DUNNO. XD
- Day or Night: Somewhere inbetween.
- Dream vehicle: ...whut? XD
- Danced: I'm no good at it, sadly. 8--''(
- Dance in the rain?: Done that, one time, with my sister, when we were little. XD
- Dance in the middle of the street?: ....not that I can remember. XD
- Do the splits?: ...huh? XD
- Eggs: Yum 8D
- Eyes: I want brown. :--(
- Everyone has: a stone in their shoe. Totally.
- Ever failed a class?: Yeah... OTL
- First crush: Eeeeeeh......dunno. XD
- Full name: is a secret.
- First thoughts waking up: *snooze*
- Food: Fav? I can't choose just ONE. XD
- Greatest Fear: Death, of me and/or friends and family...mostly friends and though.
- Giver or taker: Give. 8)
- Goals: To be a comic artist or work with movies.
- Get along with your parents?: Yeah, pretty much. :--)
- Good luck charms: ring maybe? XDD
- Hair Colour: Brown / redish brown at the moment.
- Height: Somewhere in between 167 and 170 cm.
- Happy: Kinda. :--)
- Holidays: Christmas and Easter. 8--D
- How do you want to die: I won't die. I'll just desynchronize.
- Health freak?: Nooope.
- Hate: Stop the mugging, start the hugging~ <8--D
(In guys/girls)
- Eye colour: Brown, green, or reeeeaaally blue... I think. XD
- Hair Colour: Doesn't matter at all. As long as the person like it. XD
- Height: Depends.
- Clothing Style: Doesn't matter.
- Characteristics: Funny and nice. 8---D
- Ice Cream: Fav for me now, right? XD 'Cause.....I would say....Ben & Jerry's. 8-----D
- Instrument: I liiiikeeeeee......a lot of instruments. XD Drums are cool.
- Jewelry: Dunnoooooooo...
- Job: Student. 8--)
- Kids: are cute.
- Kickboxing or karate: Kickboxingggggg, nostalgiaaaaa.
- Keep a journal?: On dA. 8--D
- Longest Car Ride: ....Dunno. XD
- Love: Love is a bitch, LOL.
- Letter: Eh....whut? XD
- Laughed so hard you cried: Been there, done that. XD
- Love at first sight: Is possible.
- Milk flavour: Eh...I've only tastet chocolate and strawberry, I think.... <8--D Chocolate was the best of those two, at least.
- Mooned anyone?: Huh? XD
- Marriage: We'll see if it ever happens.
- Motion sickness?: Not anymore. 8-D
- McD's or BK: Burger King, I think, BUT MAX IS THE BESSSTTTTT, OMNOMNOM
- Number of Siblings: 6
- Number of Piercings:, or maybe just one. XD *only using ONE*
- Number: 12
- Overused Phrases: LOL, awesome, haha
- One wish: Happiness to family and friends.
- One phobia: Talking to people on the phone, aliens (mostly just E.T. 'cause he's fucking creepy), andddd...........can't remember anything else at the moment. XD
- Place you'd like to live: GREAT BRITAIN. <3
- Pepsi/Coke: Pepsiiii
- Quail: ....say whut? XD;
- Questionnaires: ...I don't understand some of these questions, seriously. D8>
- Reason to cry: Many, but I can't seem to cry anymore.
- Reality T.V.: Don't really like them...
- Radio Station: Eeeeeh.......dunno. XDD
- Roll your tongue in a circle?: I can do that, yes. XD
- Song: I'm over-listening to "In the Club" by Danny right now, I'm sorry I'm lame, lol.
- Shoe size: Somewhere in between 39 and 42.
- Skipped school: I have... XD
- Slept outside: Yep.
- Seen a dead body?: Nope. Not IRL at least.
- Smoked?: Never.
- Skinny dipped?: I was little. XDD
- Shower daily?: Nope
- Sing well?: Ì dunno... XD
- In the shower?: What's the question..? XD
- Swear?: Too much XD
- Stuffed Animals?: Have some, yes.
- Single/Group dates: I've never really been on a date.... :--(
- Strawberries/Blueberries: Blueberries, I think.
- Scientists need to invent: peace or something. XD
- Time for bed: Too late for my own good... 8|
- Thunderstorms: Are pretty nice when you're inside.
- Touch your tongue to your nose?: Can't do that.
- Unpredictable: ...Might be. XD
- Under the influence?: ...huh? XD
- Understanding?: I guess I am.
- Vegetable you hate: Eeeeeh.....I'm not too fond of tomatoes, but I don't HATE them. XDD
- Vegetable you love: Cucumber annnnnddd.....some other. <8--D
- Vacation spot: Mystery spot. *lol*
- Weakness: A lot.
- When you grow up: I'll grow up.
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: Iiiiiiiiiiiii......dunno. XD
- Who makes you laugh the most: Here in Sundsvall it's Ämma, and our teachers. |--D <3
- Worst feeling: Heartbreakage, or something.
- Wanted to be a model?: Don't think so. XD
- Where do we go when we die: To play with Dean, Sam and Castiel. <8--D
- Worst weather: Slask. :( *svenska ftw*
- Walk with a book on your head?: I think I've tried that sometime... XD
- X-Rays: Like...once. XD
-Year it is now: 2011, OMG OMG ONLY ONE YEAR LEFT, WHAT TO DO??!?!??
-Yellow: Is.....nice? 8--D
- Zoo animal: Elks. *lol*
- Zodiac sign: I'm a snake, I think.... XD
1. Slept in a bed beside you?: My little brother<3
2. Last person to see you cry?: Ehmmmm.......I think it was dad, when I was at home the time before last time.
3. Went to the movies with you?: Eeeeeh.....Ämma and Julia, if I'm not mistaken. 8--D
4. You went to the mall with?: My sister, I think.
5. You went to dinner with?: My family, at my sister's place. |--D
6. You talked to on the phone?: .....Jonas, I think.....can't remember. XD
7. Made you laugh?: Ämma 8--D
OMG, äntligen klar.
- Available: Yup
- Beer: Yuck.
- Car: I don't have one, no.
- Day or Night: Somewhere inbetween.
- Eggs: Yum 8D
- First crush: Eeeeeeh......dunno. XD
- Greatest Fear: Death, of me and/or friends and family...mostly friends and though.
- Hair Colour: Brown / redish brown at the moment.
(In guys/girls)
- Eye colour: Brown, green, or reeeeaaally blue... I think. XD
- Jewelry: Dunnoooooooo...
- Kids: are cute.
- Longest Car Ride: ....Dunno. XD
- Milk flavour: Eh...I've only tastet chocolate and strawberry, I think.... <8--D Chocolate was the best of those two, at least.
- Number of Siblings: 6
- Overused Phrases: LOL, awesome, haha
- Place you'd like to live: GREAT BRITAIN. <3
- Quail: ....say whut? XD;
- Reason to cry: Many, but I can't seem to cry anymore.
- Song: I'm over-listening to "In the Club" by Danny right now, I'm sorry I'm lame, lol.
- Time for bed: Too late for my own good... 8|
- Unpredictable: ...Might be. XD
- Vegetable you hate: Eeeeeh.....I'm not too fond of tomatoes, but I don't HATE them. XDD
- Weakness: A lot.
- X-Rays: Like...once. XD
-Year it is now: 2011, OMG OMG ONLY ONE YEAR LEFT, WHAT TO DO??!?!??
- Zoo animal: Elks. *lol*
1. Slept in a bed beside you?: My little brother<3
2. Last person to see you cry?: Ehmmmm.......I think it was dad, when I was at home the time before last time.
3. Went to the movies with you?: Eeeeeh.....Ämma and Julia, if I'm not mistaken. 8--D
4. You went to the mall with?: My sister, I think.
5. You went to dinner with?: My family, at my sister's place. |--D
6. You talked to on the phone?: .....Jonas, I think.....can't remember. XD
Comment the photo
And you know, if you kill more than tree random people on the street you'll desynchronize, so beware!
Hahaha, helt förståeligt, faktiskt. <8------------D <3<3<3<3<33<3<3<3<3<3
Har inte gjort ngn frågegrejs på länge nu så man blir nästan sugen på att svara på denna ;D
värsta jobbiga >.>
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