Wednesday 23 April 2008 photo 3/3
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*Okay so I guess I said more than 87643213054 times " GET WELL SOON " to Marcus, but it seems that now I need someone to tell me get well soon cuz Im dying here, I have a fucking fever -_-'.
Todays shit list:
HELLO! HELLO! what made you decide to come and see the show?
Today was shitty at school but some how I got over it and passed my day ,(good thing I dident commit suicide on my maths period xD).
I got my history and Physique resoluts and some how its good >_< waaa
I did my fucking riligious fucking views test waaa^^ Im getting 20/20 I know I will x)
1)I miss marcus , yes I really do , I need someone to cheer me up, not even my best friends are cheering me up , I guess it goes like " CHEER UP EMO KID"....~_~
2) I took off my extantions yesterday so they wont kick me out of school x]
At the moment of;april-23-08
1- wearing? the gloomy bear shirt.
2- decided? to make it up to marcus and say sorry for beying a bitch :) <3 I love you dude. :*
3-Plan of the day? going to the garden and smoking weed under that tree xD ( Marcus will know what Im talking about x] )
4- Hates? right now??!?! my lunch ! @_@
5- whants? a big burger x)
6- thinks? optimistic :)
7- loves? no one ,but myself xDD waaa >_<
8- where am I right now? in the net shop sitting in front of the screen typing this shit =0
9-get annoyed by? Sara Sassine. god she's fucking annoying =)
10- need???? OMG I need a fucking breath refreshner xD Im out of it xD haha :>
-I hate kevin :)
-I want my friend Marcus back and even if it takes the whole world to crash down<3
-I think I lost weight. @_@
-I hate fat ppl. :<
-I never needed a fucking razor you bitches :)
-I think it doesent matter to cut yourself if you're emo ( as the style I mean)
-WAAAA>_< I want to talk to marcus, Im a fucking faggot. HAHA ~_~
-I really have to fix my hair since I have to extantions now xDDDD
-I really have to stop writing xD gaah x]]]
BIGGEST MISTAKE; Im sorry Marcus. :<
HOPING;everything will go well today :)
Thanks for reading bitches, Il love you for this.<3