Tekniskt fel pågår.
På grund av att en server kraschat är det vissa problem att ladda upp bilder.
Flera äldre bilder har även försvunnit till följd av detta, vilket vi beklagar.
Vi arbetar för att få igång det så snart som möjligt.
AXE~M <3 :) today he asked me if I want to work this summer , I was like why? he told me when summer comes he wants to move near to my place and so we can work together as hair dressers:) he
okay so I fucked up my hair this week oh yeah I did -_-!!! -2 days ago: tryed to bleach it turned out orange YAY-.-!! -today bleached it a bit it turned out yellow YAY-.-!! -TODAY FFS try
Watch me Suck A Lollipop xD [ Gammal Bild<3]
Il rip off your hearts and use them as my Jewellery.
FAT BITCH HAHA every day is a new diet, I have this. like yesterday I said that I wont eat anything at school well look at what I ate:) 1: 2 buffies . 2: 2 mini choco . 3: 2 Cans o
Yeah bitch I make my own hair extantions xDDDDD so nway ,ther you go, a new hair extantion , so chill :) blond+black+green racoon+purple racoon. want some?:D I got like 15 hair extantions, xDD haha th
haha today : Convo between me and my sis:D Anna: I want a tshirt like this one =/ Hans: get over it sis, its my tshirt. yesterday , Mimo and Kevin were at my place , HAHA well we k
Take me away to January I'm done with this year, I'm tired of everyone here. I just need some time alone, Before I'm ready to come back home. There's got to be something else out there for me I could
OH YEAH, STALKING SUCKS. PRIVATE PROFILE BITCH! if you noticed my bdb profile is on private. reason? Roby has sighned up on bdb was searching about me on bdb ,I dont know why ,and I dont care, as soon
I got blue hair now, xD Photographer and edit; Mimo on ecstasy.
Hans Says: Honey go get better hair extantion Descent. Mimo Says: FUCK YOU! Bild: Me and Mimo. haha yeah we both got the same jacket:) mines grey and black , her's dark pink with light pink:) s
www.Myspace.com/xDrugscenex new layout new updates new trash.
http://www.youtube.com/user/HansHarling HAHA watch the videosand comment I look so stupid. xDDD
Okay so , I had to finish 2 of my studyes( Arm & history ) so done and then I met my friends at the city mall O.o haha then we went to ermm , Dt(down town) then Hardies xD then green caffe x
Im in love ?O.o
my photography xD HAHA I rather stay drunk everyday so Id take this type of good pictures. Bild: Nikki and Dan .
you tast like heaven xD
porno queen . Im back bitch
omg I miss bilddagboken, but too bad its acting gay:( .
HAHA funny photo. I look stupidly cute, nway my profile is back to public again, yay -_- now leave me a comment b4 I kill you so I can fucking comment you back(A) haha Bailway, I miss ev
HAHa , me and Nikki Excore. I was having a fight on the phone xDDD and Roudy took a picture haha
Im the Real version of Sonic down to earth. Hans Harling. :D nyahaha xD Check these links and tell me what you think of my animated gifs:) ( siriously check them they are so cute ^_^ And
hehe :$ so Axem is going to visit me on my X-mas Vacations:D I cant wait actually :) we're going to eat cotton candy haha, I sure he's gona lol at me ,or something, Im weard nway O.o xDDD he's staying
okay bitches so its like this I cant log in on bdb or I get error shit and my pc ill shut down. so anway I miss bdb xD lol and I asked sandra to log in on my bdb and post this(: thanks sandra , love y