Thursday 25 January 2007 photo 21/24
Fick dethära Aligator huvudet av syrran när hon kom hem från USA. This is real American gator, Made in the USA from recycled scraps of the farm raised meat and leather industry. The gaf,;ir is an endangered species success story. Endangered in the 1970's, it was reclassified as threatened in 1977 and again in the 1980's as regulated only due to similarity of appearance to the American crocodile which is still endangered. The gator is alive and well in Florida with a wild population over 1,000,000.
Thu 25 Jan 2007 19:30
Men, nej du har fattat fel det där ÄR din syrra.
Thu 25 Jan 2007 19:31
jahaaa.. men shit då måste jag mata henne med engång. hon har juh stått på hyllan i över ett år nu och inte fått nån mat :O
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