24 January 2009
o min tårt bit.. som jag dock inte hann smaka på på min födelsedag.. -.- (klockan hann bli över tolv....) XD men iaf :P den va rätt godig.
älska denna låten :'/ So close so far I'm lost in time Ready to follow a sign If there was only a sign The last goodbye burns in my mind Why did I leave you behind? Guess it was too
Don't let go...don't let go...don't let go Holding my breath as i walk to your garden Everything seemed so abandoned Roses have grown just as high as a mountain Fireflies glow in the dark Dont let g
I hate to see you cry The way you look away Makes me wanna die It's getting hard to except that I'm losing you
You're out of control inside I don't need x-ray vision To see all the desperate signs You made your heart a prison
like this text.. I've been sleeping with the enemy Now I'm doing the time Paying up for the crime Guess you took everything you could from me
älskar denna låten.. oxå.. Was it an angel That knocked on my door Or was it a wind Was I still sleeping Lost in a dream Or was it you We swam in the fountains Beneath the nor
</3 My love will grow black if your heart gets stolen Just promise to keep your heart One day I'll come back if the door's still open Just promise to keep your heart broken Forever and after my lov
trååkigt -.- ÄRLIGHET Ditt äldsta hångel? - tehh.. asch så ärliga vill vi icke bli.. :P XD Hur många har du varit riktigt RIKTIGT kär i? - 2.. t
1. ställ in musikspelaren på shuffle - blanda 2. tryck framåt efter varje fråga 3. använd låttiteln som svar till varje fråga om ditt liv [även om den inte
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