January 2009
I deserve much more than this. Cause there's only one thing I want. If it's not what you're made of, You're not what I'm looking for. You where willing but unable to give me anymore. There's no way,
Blev utmanad av Mandaa ;O Nämn 5 saker du ska göra 2009 ! 1. GLÖMMA HAN ! 2. Take a tattoo :D 3. Träna 4. Vara ett år ifrån vuxen 5. Find my soulm
Saknar Twilight ! Har inte sett på den på ett tag. FÖRLÅT mej.. Tänkte mysa ner mej i sängen å kolla sen :D Me gusta <3
It's all your fault ! You called me beautiful. You turned me out and now I can't turn back. I hold my breath' cause you were perfect. I'm runnig out of air and it's not fair!