Tuesday 11 December 2007 photo 1/3
Full name: Tina Lavenderling Your birth date: 83.10.11 Tall: 162 Smitten: yes ^^ Ever been in love: yes =/ Zodiac sign: Libra Movie(s) you can watch over and over: Napoleon Dynamite! Ever have an imaginary friend as a child: yes, a vampire called Peter! Are you a touchy feely person: not usually Do you trust easily: no, I've been fooled to many times, mostly by guys Any phobias: feet & death Sunrise or sunset: sunset!...I hate mornings Ever come close to death: yepp, to many times Ever broken any bones: nope, not one! 3 physical features you get complimented on a lot: ass, lips & eyes Your least favorite feature: my nose ;( Current friend that you have known the longest: Michel! <3 Name someone you can tell just about anything to: I keep to myself How sexual are you on a scale of 1-10: 11? =) Are you bored right now: yes =)