Wednesday 21 November 2007 photo 5/9
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"I'm standing on a tiny platform It must be about three feet square It is heated from underneath And the rubber on my shoes is melting If I try to sit I burn myself If I stand I get tired And I don't want to stay here anymore So I look around for a way to go First I look straight ahead Straight ahead there is a field of tall sharp spikes Packed closely together If I stepped off that way I'd be instantly impaled I look to my left Left there is a dark forest The trees hang low, the small moon shines through the clouds A mist covers the forest It is a dark night, and I can hear the cries of fearsome hungry animals too close by I see them lurking in the shadows, their teeth glistening, they are ready to pounce I dare not go in that direction I look to my right Right there is a sea of acid A pale, sickly yellow It disintegrates whatever it touches I could not swim it So I look behind me Behind me there is a raging fire It extends as far as I can see It is forever fed by dry wood that rains from the sky No one could walk through that fire and live I shudder and turn away I consider each path, but there is no chance anywhere And so I stay where I am Soon the heat will burn through my shoes And melt my very skin But they offer me no way out"