Sunday 30 December 2007 photo 2/14
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Hur emo är jag? [x] I like skinny jeans. [ ] Music is my life [x] I write poetry/song lyrics. More like quotes [x] My hair covers part of my face. Duh I have sidebangs. [ ] I wear band shirts. [ ] I know who Jeffree Star is. [x] I wear/wore converse. Converse e la inte emo?! [ ] I wear/wore vans. Men dom e snygga [/] I wear/wore eyeliner. Sometimes [ ] I have or want my lip pierced. [ ] I had/have listen to Saves The Day, Chiodos, Thursday and/or H.I.M. [/] My love life sucks. Inte en aning. Tror det men orka bry sig, jag glad ändå [ ] I'm in a band. [ ] My screen name has an x in it [ ] I understand that My Chemical Romance is not "emo". Vem e dom?! [x] I also understand that Green Day is not "emo". Dom e typ… punk [ ] I know what mosh means. [ ] Corners are for cool people. Wtf?! Vaa? [ ] Most of the time I dislike MTV. [x] I take pictures of myself a lot. MEN! D e la inte emo... då kan man ju lika gärna vara fjortis [ ] Especially ones where you can't see my whole face. [/] I am lost without a cd player/my iPod/phone. My phone! Men d e ju inte för musiken [/] I know that emo is not just a sterotype. Sure. [ ] I have/had thick oversized glasses. [ ] I have/had a mohawk. [ ] I've worn black nail polish. [ ] I hate my mom. [ ] I hate my dad. [ ] I hate where I live. [ ] Black is a great color. [ ] I do/have cut myself. Only if paper-cuts count X) [ ] Right now I am listening to music. [ ] I know what hxc and sxe mean. . [ ] Myspace = Love and addiction. [ ] I wear studded belts. [ ] I've had a body part signed by a band. [ ] I've cried while listening to Dashboard Confessional. [ ] I have/ my hair is/ had dyed/want to dye my hair black. [ ] My closet is mostly filled with black or dark clothes. [/] I cry a lot. Nea… men d händer? [x] I write on myself. Duh! Hur ska jag annars komma ihåg ngt. Im so emo [x] I have been called "emo" before. Dumma casper [x] I hate being called "emo".
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Wed 2 Apr 2008 21:01
denna gång orkar jag inte läsa
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