Friday 16 December 2011 photo 6/7
Now when I think about it, it feels so weird to be single. And even weirder to think that no oe will ever be able to love me again... Or at least I am pretty sure about it.
It really feels so weird. I mean, I really want to belong to someone. But I don't want it all to be based on lies. I want that person to really love me, for real. And I want to feel the same about her/him.
I do have some people that I have a crush on, but I am not sure if I really love anyone for the moment. Or, do I?
I am really unsure about my feelings... Hm...
Oh well.
Why am I even writing this? >_>
Comment the photo
Fri 16 Dec 2011 23:53
Don't ever think that no one will ever love you for real, cause someone will sooner or later. You'll still very young and you have great chances to find someone great to love and get loved back by! c: So don't give up, you're never alone and you will find someone to make you and only you happy.
Fri 16 Dec 2011 23:31
aw, kärlek :c du ska inte tänka att ingen kommer kunna älska dig, du är fortfarande ung och du kommer nog få flera chanser att älska någon och få någon som älskar dig tillbaka c: ge inte upp bara!
I'm not Daredevil
Fri 16 Dec 2011 22:08
Samma här. Jag känner mig så ensam, och jag vil verkligen ha någon som är mer än en vän. Någon jag kan skriva gulliga medelanden med, någon jag kan säga att jag älskar och någon som ärligt kan säga att den älskar mig. Och asfkla. U_U
Fri 16 Dec 2011 21:50
Såklart någon kommer att älska dig!
oroa dig inte, det ordnar sig! C: *kram*<3
oroa dig inte, det ordnar sig! C: *kram*<3
Fri 16 Dec 2011 20:51
Always there for u,seme <3
Fri 16 Dec 2011 20:51
*GLOMP* Don't worry! I'm sure the perfect person for you will come!<3
Fri 16 Dec 2011 20:53
I think I've already missed my chance with the perfect person c: But thank you for trying to cheer me up! <3
Fri 16 Dec 2011 20:46
Hey pal, don't you ever think noone never will be able to love you again. it will happen for sure! i know because that's how it is. i'm here to help you about your thoughts, and i wish the best for you, because you deserve to be happy!
23 comments on this photo