24 January 2008
Six bottles went down the drain
One hour's a waste of time
I'd ask if you feel the same
Still pushing that chance to try
Your breath in this cool room chill
Long hair that blows side to side
My Dearest,
I've missed you very very much since that last night we were together
and will hold that night especially in my memories for years to come
I've been turning it over and over in my mi
Fan palla spanska idag!!.... Nope
Jag & min slyna Emma har chillat heeela morgonen.
Käkat frukost & haft mys pys haha ;D
Det var Emma som tvingade mig tro mig.
Hon släpade bort m
Åhh denna dag som började sisådär.. hmm
På lite smått dåligt humör:/
Och sen skulle man ha datorkunskap, vilket jag inte va helt beredd på
+ att j
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