Saturday 16 February 2013 photo 68/75
Sometimes I just feel like giving up on art because Im not sure if its paying off in any way. I usually only like my completed works for a day or two then I just see the flaws. The feedback is minimal(Im lucky if I even get one comment), even my relatives seem uniterested and it feels like Ive just hit a wall. I have no idea how to reach out and Im starting to feel pressured to do fanart. Nothing wrong with fanart, but it shouldnt be the main source of getting recognition as an artist. It feels like its just subject over quality.
The performance anxiety Im having and the work I put into studying as an autodidact and the time working to complete projects just feels its all in vain. Maybe I should try writing instead. Or just dont mind having any special sort of talent and enjoy life as it is just playing games and talk to friends all days. :/
I always knew this was one of the toughest carriers. Right now it just feels completly fruitless. I think I need to do more traditional artworks,I usually get more satisfied with them.
Guh. I need refreshing,bright,green spring so badly.
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Sat 16 Feb 2013 22:17
Tycker du ska fortavsätta rita, teckna och måla även om du inte får kommentarer.. det är lite som terapi, iaf för mig. Just för ögonblicket och precis efter jag ritat något så tycker jag det blev skit dåligt men kollar man sen några år och ser bilden igen så tycker man att den ser bra ut ><
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