October 2009
Raw, raw, raw the boat,Gently up to Finland.laughing, laughing, laughing, laughing,Life is but a dream.
Man skulle kanske gårunt och kalla sig crabcore ch bara lyssna på attack! attack! eller så inte=P http://www.dobi.nu/yourscenesucks/crabcore/crab.gif http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nQ
Lyssna på Football Season Is Over : Why the fuck can I not hail a taxi? arm out like a Nazi - every cunt's driving past where the fuck is everyone? I can't see anyone. I can't see anything! the hard
Lyssna på Sleep With One Eye Open : Fuck you, you took what you wanted and left, like locusts. everything I gave to you, everything that we've been through you bled me dry and then left, like leeches
lyssna på Bring Me The Horizon - Braille (For Stevie Wonder's Eyes Only) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mfeNOJNQy0s&feature=fvw It's 3:18, mouth tastes like the corpse of every pregnan
Lyssna på WASTED AGAIN MED TURBONEGRO!!! 1, 2, 3, 4! I've got a brand new bag The old one was such a drag I'm going to the void I'm gonna get destroyed Sweeping floors working nine to five W
kommentera gärna om Hardcoreband från Hälsigland, vart är scenen störst Bollnäs? Söderhamn? Hudik? vill du eller känne nån som vill testa starta HC band? och lyssna på Planet Trash fr
Lyssna på Misfits-Braineaters http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0DTLKZ_ECUk Hey hey hey Brains for dinner Brains for lunch Brains for breakfast Brains for brunch Brains at every single me
Lyssna på Misfits-Halloween http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Je4_hRv-Hf8 Bonfires burning bright Pumpkin faces in the night I remember halloween Dead cats hanging from poles Little dead