February 2009
Klockan är 18:10 Emil: är du hungrig niccole? Niccole: nej, har borstat tänderna Emil: eh, okej! Niccole: GODNATT
America!! Hahaha! We love you! How many people are proud to be citizens of this beautiful country of ours? The stripes and the stars for the rights that men have died for to protect The women and men
When I just a little baby boy, my momma used to tell me these crazy things She used to tell me my daddy was an evil man, she used to tell me he hated me But then I got a little bit older and I realize
In my mind I'ma fighter, my heart's a lighter My soul is the fluid, my flow sparks it right up Arsenic writer, author with arthritis Carpel tunnel, Marshall will start shit-itis Hard headed and hot he
Kom på att lite blondt här och där vore nice, hade även i skägget kul att se resultatet eftersom jag ändå ska raka mig hade jag tänkt. Nån gång!
Ooww Ladies and gentlemen The moment you’ve all been waiting for .. In this corner : weighing 175 pounds, with a record of 17 rapes, 400 assaults, and 4 murders, the undisputed, most diaboli