11 June 2008
Dagens mys
Inte gjort någon nytta alls idag.Men Jason Mraz och Hilary Duff har varit mitt sällskap idag och
de är utnämnda till min nya grej ''Dagens Mys''.
Dagens Mys kan vara allt från människor, tankar, filmer, tv, musik.
ja, vad som helst. Kunde ju vara lite kul tänkte jag.
![I keep my life on a heavy rotation Requesting that its lifting you up Up up and away And over to a table at the graditude cafe And i am finally there And all the angels theyll be singing Ah la la la](http://cdn08.dayviews.com/24/_u2/_u8/_u2/_u3/_u9/u282398/71607_1213191498.jpg)
![Im happy and I can thank myself If it were up to you Id be in my bed crying But Im happy and I know that makes you sad After all the things you put me through Im finally getting over you Im happy, Im](http://cdn08.dayviews.com/22/_u2/_u8/_u2/_u3/_u9/u282398/65995_1213191556.jpg)
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