Tuesday 12 May 2009 photo 1/1
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"The traitors of you, shallt be punished, HARD! Nothing is more important than yourself. If you think like this, you're smart, kinda independent and very selfcentered. But you'll be happy =D Traitors does not have the right to be happy, They shall have their skin burnt of, needles impaled under their nails and be raped over and over by a filthy, greasy truck-driver.
Fuck traitors!"
- / Saga/Mikkis CDZ.
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Wed 13 May 2009 14:30
"Raped over and over by a filthy, greasy truck-driver" <--- ÄG!!! hahah x3

Tue 12 May 2009 21:26
Haha så jäkla grymt han skriver xD han satt och skrev en text när jag mötte honom idag :3..
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