Monday 23 July 2007 photo 1/8
Bara för att göra Saga glad -,- The date is set July 23 will from here on be known as International My Chemical Romance Day (IMCRD)!! Thats right...on that day do whatever you can to show your love for doesnt matter wat it could listen to their music all day, talk about them non-stop, have a party with friends, have a drink & toast to MCR, draw a picture for the occasion...whatever you feel like doing...DO IT!!! But there is 1 thing we all must do...if you have any MCR merch that can be worn...wear it!!! obviously if you're at work or school (a school that has a uniform) not the best idea to wear a t-shirt...but for example i am going to be wearing my MCR t-shirt if im at home or uni & dont have to go to work...if i have to go to work i will try to wear 1 of my MCR pins (prob somewhere that my boss cant see it). if you dont have any MCR merch dont fret thats fine!! Post what you did on the day to any1 of the MCR forums & the world how much you love MCR & just how important they are to the world!! Finally, we wanna make this as global as humanly possible. Post it on your myspaces if you have 1, if your on live journal post it there, post it on any MCR forum u can find, tell all your MCR friends, send an email to every single person on here...TELL THE WORLD
Comment the photo
Fri 13 Jul 2007 13:26
hahaha! Undrar hur många som kmr att fira
Tue 10 Jul 2007 13:02
haha, WTF ska inte du kunna engelska xD
asså typ det e MCR's officiella dag (typ MCR's nationaldag) så om man gillar dem ska man fira dem, och saga gillar dem så jag la in den texten för henne :P
asså typ det e MCR's officiella dag (typ MCR's nationaldag) så om man gillar dem ska man fira dem, och saga gillar dem så jag la in den texten för henne :P
Thu 5 Jul 2007 15:32
vad handlar det om :)?
Thu 5 Jul 2007 15:33
typ MCR's egna dag lr ngt sånt :P men saga älskar dem så jag tänkte att jag skulle göra henne lite lycklig =]
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