Sunday 20 June 2010 photo 4/7
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Harry Potter is a story involving loyal friendship. Here is a summary of Twilight =
"Bella, I love you. Even though I just met you like 2 weeks ago.'
"Edward, I suspect you are a vampire."
"You are correct."
"Ok. That does not creep me out at all!"
"Oh yeah, and I'm 108 years old."
"Hmm...that's ok."
"Okay! Let's get married."
"Oh wait. It's too dangerous. I'm a vampire. You're not. I'm leaving you!"
"WHAT! I'm gonna kill myself!"
"No! Bella! I will save you."
"Ok I love you again."
"Bella, I love you. Even though I just met you like 2 weeks ago.'
"Edward, I suspect you are a vampire."
"You are correct."
"Ok. That does not creep me out at all!"
"Oh yeah, and I'm 108 years old."
"Hmm...that's ok."
"Okay! Let's get married."
"Oh wait. It's too dangerous. I'm a vampire. You're not. I'm leaving you!"
"WHAT! I'm gonna kill myself!"
"No! Bella! I will save you."
"Ok I love you again."
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Tue 22 Jun 2010 14:01
öh... jaa..... men på nåt sett får dom en att vilja se filmerna.... för jag MÅSTE se hur dom ska lyckas filmatisera sista boken XD

Wed 23 Jun 2010 19:57
haha jag oxå faktsikt! när jag kollade på filmerna så tänkte jag: "ganska trökig film...ska nog sluta se på den..NEJ! måste see! O__O" xD
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