Saturday 24 July 2010 photo 2/5
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Denna vackra stad ska jag till! 8D ska packa idag föratt imorgon gå till mamma och på mondagmorgon då åker man och hämtar syster i Eksjö och mormor i Jönköping för att åka till stockholm och ta färgan till tallinn! :D ska bli mycket kul och ska försöka att ta lite bilder :3
Läste precis ut en jääääättebra fanfic om BB och L :3 Bloody Kisses, Strawberry Smiles heter den :3 och bara för att så ska jag lägga ut några små scener XD
MEN WARNINGVARNINGVARNING!!! LÄS INTE dom här om du tänker läsa fanficen för det kan nog finnas ganska stora spoilers! För övrigt innehåller denna fanfic; rape, gore, myyycket blod, bondage, all kinds of ja gud vet vad....och mycket sylt..
The killer tugged his captive up, whining when he realized he had gotten fairly soaked due to the puddle, L only stating, "It is only water, Beyond."
"…Grr…S-Shut up. I hate being wet when I don't have to be." The duo had started walking again, down the alley leading to the grocery store B had stated they would be going to.
"…Just like a cat…" L murmured nearly mutely, coming to walk next to the other.
"Like WHAT?" B yelled, his face red with anger and embarrassment, dammit did L really find him to be greatly like a cat?
"Oh, nothing, nothing at all."
"Nothing is ever 'nothing' when it comes to you, Lawliet."
"What do you mean? There are things that are, or mean, nothing to me."
"Psh," B scoffed, "Like what?"
"Hmm…green beans."
"...Excuse me?"
"Green beans mean nothing to me, Beyond. I hate them."
"…" My God, I'm in love with an insane, bizarre detective…who despises…green beans?
"I also hate radishes, burnt rice, and the smell of cat litter-"
"How about something that's human, Lawli…"
The duo had been rolling around and punching for God knows how long, until finally the store manager was brought to the aisle; the young adult, with sandy hair and acne to boot, just snickered, stating,
"Well, well…I had heard there were two troublemakers in here, but I didn't suspect them to be two men into erotic chain bondage…"
"I'll have to ask you two to leave." The manager ordered harshly, sending a stern glare down at the tangled men; but before he stepped back, he murmured softly, only for B and L's ears, "You know…if you two do threesomes…I'd be more than interested. Chained bondage…and two men like yourselves…I-"
"BACK OFF!" B screamed at the top of his lungs, grabbing L in a tight hug, the detective only replying with a "meep!", the bodies on the floor becoming untangled, "HE is MINE. WE don't share each other, and I'd NEVER SHARE HIM! HE'S MINE!"
"…Yes. And since when were YOU such a romantic, Beyond?" L chuckled, causing his copy to pout, grumbling,
"Old bastard…"
"…You're sexy for an old man, L."
"…I love you?"
"Laaaawli, stop staring into space and read me one more, please?"
"What were you daydreaming about?"
"That means you were dreaming about porn."
"WHAT?" The normally stoic man shouted loudly, his face turning as red as a beet. "S-Shut up!"
"Oooh, were you dreaming about this ass of mine?" The killer even took the moment to stand up and wiggle said body part fairly close to Lawliet's person, and face. "You like it don't you?"
…M-Maybe I do…L was NOT going to admit THAT just yet.
"…Stop it L, stop it." Thoughts like that at this moment were not helping the problem 'downstairs', and Lawliet refused to touch himself, he would not soil himself like so. Besides, what if Beyond was nearby? And really, hearing the man you love shout out 'Oh, Beyond, take me! Fuck me! Oh, YES' would probably help neither L's situation, nor B's.
"Yes, I always choose the best, Beyond. Speaking of Kanto, how DID you get me from THERE to HERE?"
"…Um…well, I knocked you out, right? And I just….grabbed you, put you in a van, drove you here. Climbed out a window, though, that was sort of tough…I got you down to I think…the second floor? And then I just climbed out a hotel window to the van."
"You drove me? You DRIVE?"
"WHA? Oh, come ON, I had to do SOMETHING!"
"You kidnapped me while driving ILLEGALLY?"
"…I love how my illegal driving bothers you more than the kidnapping itself…"
The duo continued to pass the moments in silence, B slyly scooting closer to the detective, gazing upon the serene man, who ran his hand across the tri-colored fur of the dog; L only let out a sound, it being a content sigh, when Beyond made the motion to run a hand through the older one's locks once more, the habit had become soothing for both of them over the past few days, and eventually, Lawliet's head leaned into the caresses, as if it was a separate entity.
"Like that?"
"Mmm..." L hummed contently, continuing with, "This isn't a healthy environment for her…"
"Who? The dog?"
"No, the stripper you keep in the closet, of course the dog!"
…OH GOD, OH GOD, OH MY GOD, He's on TOP of ME, ON. TOP. OF. ME. OF HIS OWN WILL…? HOLY…Breathe, Beyond, breathe, don't do anything stupid…Oh, God, he's so WARM…SO. FUCKING. WARM…Is this really happening…? Oh, God, it IS, I can feel him…HOLY MOTHER OF GOD L, stop moving…! You're making me-Ahh…
(inget hände i den här scenen XD även om man kan misstolka texten så var det inte det som hände!)
B snorted, "You're such a cheesy bastard half the time…"
"E-Excuse me? I'll have you know that I am TRYING to be romantic here!"
"And it shows." B stated with a smile, but L continued to rant, causing the copy to roll his eyes.
"And I have read SOME romance novels, but not too many, so I can NOT be called a CHICK!"
"I'd never call you that, my adorable uke-chan…"
"…Is this where I run and hide?"
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