Saturday 1 September 2012 photo 7/9
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Chapter 6 – Good morning, sunshine!
I opened my eyes. During the night I’d forgotten where I was, and I thought I would wake up in my room home in Stoneford. Yesterday just felt like a weird dream by now. I was kinda hoping it would be too. But I guess sacrifices are just a part of the adventure, as I said to my sister before we had to part for the night.
I sat up in my bed. It was a pretty neat room now that I saw it in the daylight. It was just at the corner of the house and I had one window on both of the outfacing walls. Each one facing out at the tiny backyard. The room were dressed in a beige red wallpaper, hooks and screws for paintings, and a smaller shelf above the bed. The bed was placed against both the windowed walls. Where I was sitting, in the daylight. The desk was placed vis-à-vis the bed, and beside the desk there was a bookshelf. And beside the door, and the remaining short side of the bed, there was a drawer. Despite all that furniture, the room looked even emptier in the light the dawn brought this day than the moon did last night. So I decided to decorate it my way to make it more personal. Starting with filling the drawer with clothes while dressing my self at the same time. Then I made my bed, and ornamented it with the stuffed animals I managed to pack. I opened the door and went into the hall/office/staircase. It was a big hall looking room where the stairs ended up that Sniper had turned into a small office. Since he didn’t work at home he didn’t need a bigger office. The reason I walked out there was because I knew all my boxes were out there. Yes, I did pack a lot of stuff. The reason why is that I like to keep the place where I sleep personal. And since I knew I was suppose to be away from home the whole summer I packed for those three months. I grabbed the one on top and lifted it up. But before I went back to my room I glanced at my roommates door. Closed. I assume he is still asleep.
After and hour of unpacking and placing stuff to follow my own personal Feng shui, I were almost in need of a shower and I decided to explore the house to find a bathroom. Piece of cake. That was the door next to mine. I grabbed my shampoo, balm and soap, locked the door and went straight in. What a delight! I didn’t realize how sweaty I was before the water came streaming down my back. When I was done I decided to occupy the bathroom by filling it with my stuff. I am a girl after all, it’s my duty to claim the nearest bathroom as my own territory.
That didn’t take to long to accomplish, and once again I was restless. I glanced at Snipers door. Still closed, equals he’s still sleeping. Or? I decided to lay my ear against the door to see if I could hear anything on the other side. Otherwise it didn’t work, or he was sleeping. But I’ve got and idea! I can take a glass from the kitchen, put it against the door and then put my ear to the bottom of the glass. You see, on the top floor there were four rooms. My room, Snipers room, my bathroom and the hall/office/staircase room. So it wasn’t to difficult to figure out that the kitchen was down stairs.
Coming down the steps, you entered the hall. It wasn’t to big and were used as kind of a storage room. It was connected to the big living room. A fireplace, a pretty fat TV and a couch were the center of the room. But it also contained a bookshelf, a coffee table, a big old desk and plants. Nothing uncommon. There were one door and a vault down stairs. The vault led to the kitchen and the door the second bathroom. I chose to enter the vault and loot for a glass. After about fifteen minutes I found one and rushed up to try my idea. And it worked. While leaning my ear against the glass I could hear snoring. Damn sleeper!
Well, since I was awake I could make some breakfast of the food I could find in the half full fridge. But first I went out to get the paper. I put it on the table and made myself a sandwich and a cup of tea. I opened the paper and started reading. Did you know there is a sale on pancake mix at the local grocery store today?
I opened my eyes. During the night I’d forgotten where I was, and I thought I would wake up in my room home in Stoneford. Yesterday just felt like a weird dream by now. I was kinda hoping it would be too. But I guess sacrifices are just a part of the adventure, as I said to my sister before we had to part for the night.
I sat up in my bed. It was a pretty neat room now that I saw it in the daylight. It was just at the corner of the house and I had one window on both of the outfacing walls. Each one facing out at the tiny backyard. The room were dressed in a beige red wallpaper, hooks and screws for paintings, and a smaller shelf above the bed. The bed was placed against both the windowed walls. Where I was sitting, in the daylight. The desk was placed vis-à-vis the bed, and beside the desk there was a bookshelf. And beside the door, and the remaining short side of the bed, there was a drawer. Despite all that furniture, the room looked even emptier in the light the dawn brought this day than the moon did last night. So I decided to decorate it my way to make it more personal. Starting with filling the drawer with clothes while dressing my self at the same time. Then I made my bed, and ornamented it with the stuffed animals I managed to pack. I opened the door and went into the hall/office/staircase. It was a big hall looking room where the stairs ended up that Sniper had turned into a small office. Since he didn’t work at home he didn’t need a bigger office. The reason I walked out there was because I knew all my boxes were out there. Yes, I did pack a lot of stuff. The reason why is that I like to keep the place where I sleep personal. And since I knew I was suppose to be away from home the whole summer I packed for those three months. I grabbed the one on top and lifted it up. But before I went back to my room I glanced at my roommates door. Closed. I assume he is still asleep.
After and hour of unpacking and placing stuff to follow my own personal Feng shui, I were almost in need of a shower and I decided to explore the house to find a bathroom. Piece of cake. That was the door next to mine. I grabbed my shampoo, balm and soap, locked the door and went straight in. What a delight! I didn’t realize how sweaty I was before the water came streaming down my back. When I was done I decided to occupy the bathroom by filling it with my stuff. I am a girl after all, it’s my duty to claim the nearest bathroom as my own territory.
That didn’t take to long to accomplish, and once again I was restless. I glanced at Snipers door. Still closed, equals he’s still sleeping. Or? I decided to lay my ear against the door to see if I could hear anything on the other side. Otherwise it didn’t work, or he was sleeping. But I’ve got and idea! I can take a glass from the kitchen, put it against the door and then put my ear to the bottom of the glass. You see, on the top floor there were four rooms. My room, Snipers room, my bathroom and the hall/office/staircase room. So it wasn’t to difficult to figure out that the kitchen was down stairs.
Coming down the steps, you entered the hall. It wasn’t to big and were used as kind of a storage room. It was connected to the big living room. A fireplace, a pretty fat TV and a couch were the center of the room. But it also contained a bookshelf, a coffee table, a big old desk and plants. Nothing uncommon. There were one door and a vault down stairs. The vault led to the kitchen and the door the second bathroom. I chose to enter the vault and loot for a glass. After about fifteen minutes I found one and rushed up to try my idea. And it worked. While leaning my ear against the glass I could hear snoring. Damn sleeper!
Well, since I was awake I could make some breakfast of the food I could find in the half full fridge. But first I went out to get the paper. I put it on the table and made myself a sandwich and a cup of tea. I opened the paper and started reading. Did you know there is a sale on pancake mix at the local grocery store today?